SLG Publishing History

Nov 21, 2006 11:13

Originally uploaded by SLG Publishing. It's been a bit quiet on the news front lately, so I shall regale you with the story of SLG's origins. Yes, its origin story. As you can see from Scott Saavedra's 1987 illustration (inexplicably rendered extremely bright by Flickr), SLG was born of an apocalyptic age, when only the strong survived.

But there is more to the story, much more...

Part One... The Early Days

In 1986, Dan Vado was a man with a comic book store and a dream: to be the first person to successfully crossbreed a goat and a monkey. Breeding the goatkeys was accomplished easily enough, but Dan soon discovered that there is little market demand for half-goat/half-monkey affronts to nature. And so he turned to a more lucrative business venture: publishing independent comic books.

Amazingly, this worked out. At first. The market was riding on a martial-artist anthropomorphic animal high from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and SLG sold, like, a kazillion copies of Samurai Penguin.

One Kazillion.

Dan used the profits from these sales to pay for feeding and sheltering the goatkeys, which, due to their mutant DNA, fortunately had very short lifespans.

The goatkey incident had an unexpected, positive effect, however. Inspired by this indiscriminate and pointless use of science, Scott Saavedra, who would go on to be the company’s art director, created It’s Science with Dr. Radium!

True story.

slg history

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