
Dec 29, 2011 18:30

Howdy, folks. I'm back with more Birds! Since this generation is getting waaay too long,
I cheated a little bit and made all of the kids six days older. Thursday is going to be 
growing up shortly, so that means it's time for the heir poll! Don't forget to vote in the heir
poll after you read the update. :-)

Thursday madeover...again. This hair is sort of funky on teens. Little bits are green or see-through
or they turn whiteish, but it doesn't bother me that much so meh.

Friday brought a pal home from school, and they immediately starting dancing.

Thursday just stood there and watched them.

She eventually joined in, though.

Girl loves to smustle.


...Why are you so angry?

Ghosts are so spooky. Especially that eerie noise of when they're out and about.

I wasn't quick enough. September got Thursday.

Tuesday would like his first kiss, too, and I'm doing my best to find him a suitable partner.
The paper girl looked promising after I did some sim surgery magic on her, but they had
negative chemistry. :-(

She's so cute, though. D:

Nellie got demoted because of a stupid chance card. She doesn't look too concerned.
Nellie: derp

Tuesday(I really want to call him Claus, IDK WHY) is super excited about his report card.

Nellie brought Alfie Bleu (rhiannon_alexis) home from work.

Friday is super excited about his report card, too. Such smart children.

In celebration, Claus Tuesday grilled up some hotdogs.

While Thursday made small talk with their guest.
Thursday: So, uh, nice weather we're having here.
I originally intended to see if Thursday would have any chemistry with Alfie, but she was 
completely uninterested in him. I checked her gender preference and uh, she's a lesbian.

It never would have worked anyway, Alfie has the hots for her mom. You're barking up the wrong
tree, Alf. Like mother like daughter.

You'd think that once a cloud of stink formed and his hosts wee dining in their PJs he'd
go home, but no.

The next morning, upon my revelation that Thursday swings for the other team, I tried
my luck with the cute paper girl again.
Thursday didn't like her :-(

-_- Tuesday brought him home from school.

Thursday brought this lovely lady home. Tuesday had negative chemistry with her, and Thursday
wasn't interested either.

Flora: Oh dear me! It appears I have a small cough.


The plague D:

Her face in this, oh my god.

Tuesday picked up a few pointers from the guests. He's never done this before Flora came
to visit, and he hasn't done it since.

After the teens left, I invited December and November over for dinner. October
was so happy to see them :D

October got chubby. :') I think it suits her so nicely, she's adorable.

That awkward moment when you're wearing the same shirt as your uncle.

Tuesday: I love your shirt! :DDD

December got his groove on while everyone else chit-chatted.

Friday: What a weirdo

December: lol dgaf

Thursday thinks they're all crazy.

Nellie decided to whip up some burgers at 2 am, after December and November had already

>:( Those stupid kids got everyone sick. Everyone! The whole house!

I made her lay down and rest after that, much to her dismay.

THIS IS WHY YOU ARE LAYING DOWN. I don't want you to die D:


Thursday brought this pretty lady home from school. She wasn't so pretty when she arrived,
but I worked some sim surgery magic, changed her hair and makeup and voila!
I think she's super cute :3

October glitched, turning into this fella right here.

It was sort of terrifying.

Tuesday got so scared he peed himself.

It pissed October off.

So he went outside and kicked the trashcan over. He's so full of teenage angst.

Meanwhile, Thursday was getting her flirt on.

Sarah was quite taken with her.

November stopped by for a visit! Except he left like two seconds after I had Nellie greet him.

Thursday saw a zit.

Friday aged up, uneventfully. He didn't even get a cake.

October rolled the want to get fit.

Goodbye chubz October. You were great while you lasted. :-(

They got home and immediately started smustling.


October watched them while she made some grilled cheese for lunch.
Also lol, check out the outfit Friday aged up into. I'm letting him keep it.

Nellie brought Alpha Omega (charterzard) home from work.

She had to eat her grilled cheese in solitude because everyone else was sleeping.

Sarah come over :D

Nellie that is highly inappropriate.

Oh, Thursday. You're not allowed to marry her unless you aren't voted heir.

Crush hearts~

Finally! :D

Thursday finally got her kiss!

Now it's time to vote for heir!Poll Heir Poll

!legacy: bird

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