[exo] honey&lightning - vi

Apr 09, 2014 06:02

Title: Honey&Lightning
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: total ~50k
Pairing: BaekYeol
Genre: hurt/comfort, heavy melodrama
Summary: Lightning never strikes the same place twice.
Warnings: Highlight for full list mentions of past domestic violence, illness, animal death

“I am a ticking time bomb, a fire hazard, this is the calm before the storm. People usually take shelter from the lightning and the rain, Baekhyun, not run straight into the heart of it. )

honeylightning!, p: baekyeol, t: oneshot

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Comments 69

piemin April 10 2014, 04:10:26 UTC
so chanyeol really caught the disease? :( god my heart :(( all i ever want is for them to have a sweet life together but anyway this was sooo well written and indeed a monster haha.


printedapples April 12 2014, 00:26:45 UTC
it's up to you to decide! heuhueh :) thanks for reading!


noonaofdarkness April 10 2014, 04:48:39 UTC
Wow. this was so amazing. I wish i had taken notes along the way of all my favorite lines but I was in such a rush to read the whole story (i'll probably have to read it a few more times ( ... )


printedapples April 10 2014, 23:11:57 UTC
heukk your words are far too kind u____u thank you so much for reading ♡ yes the bruising to love bite transition was on purpose, i wanted to have them transform from marks he had to hide to something he could wear proudly. :)


prkchnyl April 10 2014, 05:51:54 UTC
cries ok im so in love with this fic i dont know where to start but first of all WOW u wrote such a beautiful ///50k/// fic im sobbing and whimpering the whole time ;A; it took me longer than it should to to finish because i kept on rereading certain parts because baekyeol are just SO CUTE AND LOVING TO EACH OTHER I jUst i love it when chanyeol calls baek love/honey/sweet/affectionate names it swells up my heart and broke me to pieces ;;;;;;;;;;;;; also i love how you construct the fic although it's 50k im never bored of reading it (definitely love the abundance of cuddly!baekyeol here im still weeping) the whole bruises turning to love marks thing is so nice and i love how they both put their rings on their pinkies like it's a promise between them to be together or something im just ssos sosso in love even the littlest things like when baek got glitter all over from making chanyeol's placecard THAT WAS SUPER DUPER CUTE their characters are so complex and distinct it's amazing oh god im so floored the ending is gonna make me think ( ... )


printedapples April 10 2014, 22:39:37 UTC
thank you for reading ♡♡♡ i'm glad it wasn't too cheesy! haha :) flufffy baekyeol TTATT

punctuation is for the weak keke


ssantigurrl April 10 2014, 10:20:40 UTC
I'm not really good with words but I loved reading this!!! Also I may have shedded a tear or two when they put Chorong to sleep :(


printedapples April 10 2014, 22:04:19 UTC
thank you for reading!! i'm glad you enjoyed it!!!! pets passing away is always so sad :(


bornofdawn April 10 2014, 12:23:50 UTC
thank you so much for this, it was beautiful and i love how it isn't just another love story and it's a story of mending broken people with love.
and it's realistic in the sense that love is never perfect and beautiful and when people are in love, even the bad is good.
i really really enjoyed this. ;_______;


printedapples April 10 2014, 22:36:17 UTC
thank you so much for reading ♡ im glad you enjoyed it!!


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