I am not amused.

Feb 10, 2009 13:04

Because of my university registration problem, I cannot have my university ID card.
Without my ID card, I can't borrow books.
Without books, I can't do the essay I have to do by Monday.


Don't know what I'm talking about?

To enrol into university you need to present them with your original certificates from your secondary ( Read more... )

emorage (or just emo or just rage), bureocracy ate my hat, university

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Comments 16

blaithacs February 10 2009, 14:20:56 UTC
Oh man, this sucks.. I hear you. *hugs* Maybe if a friend of yours in the same university went with you to the library and you used their ID card to borrow the books? It works here in the greek universities -which are nothing like the british ones but I figured maybe you could try it?


sleepingwgods February 10 2009, 14:26:29 UTC
I don't know, most people have to do this essay now and we have limits on books (I think it's 3?) And if they need to borrow books for THEIR essay, it leaves me in pretty much the same shit.
I might just have to bring my laptop in and copy the paragraphs/pages I'm interested in... >_< Not really looking forward to it but I'll get it done, at least! I emailed my tutor about it although there's really nothing he can do, but I'll see what he says, for the heck of it.


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sleepingwgods February 11 2009, 00:04:31 UTC
I don't know if we can do that, because I finished the IB and they are generally uptight bastards :P You can't just phone to their offices in Switzerland and ask for copies, apparently there's a procedure and a waiting list for transcripts etc. >_< And it takes weeks. I might try it but not immediately, I'll have to figure out how to submit a request first. It is a good idea though, for the off-chance that something happens. :)


sleepingwgods February 10 2009, 23:49:25 UTC
Haha I no has HQ DSLR like yourself :P I will try the local libraries though, I'm probably going to do the essay on A Streetcar Named Desire and that's pretty classic so I might find something of use.
If that is the registry/admissions office, they don't really care. I've been dealing with them for four months and they haven't been very understanding. ¬_¬ I can only try to deal with it myself, because I can't count on them.


aeri_s February 10 2009, 20:00:50 UTC
Ow. Real painful >_<
I've had this sort of thing happen before at school...but we have a 10 book limit per subject area. So I've always been able to mooch off a friend.

Good luck with the essay and hope things somehow turn out well >_>


sleepingwgods February 11 2009, 00:18:22 UTC
Yes indeed :(
Ahhh 10 books per subject area? You're so lucky. ^^

Thank you hun, I hope so too. Gambarimasu!! :D


bip_lar February 10 2009, 20:05:46 UTC
furthermore, because trust me, mooching ID cards off your friends/flatmates/classmates/whatevers is NOT the best long-term inconvinience option, go to your reception at the library and ask for a pass, or something.
then go to your Uni hub, explain the situation, sound exasperated but reasonable, put on your innocent girly smile and ASK how this can be resolved [i.e. I'm just trying to find out the best way to handle this, because unfortunately the lack of a student card does not allow me to fully reach my potential as a student.]
maeh, ti lew re malaka, xtypa me. alla go and tell somebody in charge. they'll figure it out.


sleepingwgods February 11 2009, 00:28:42 UTC
I went but the pass is like a day pass thing and the onyl way to borrow books is with an ID card, hence my problem. If I could borrow books with that day pass I would be fiiiine.
Uni hub = grammateia? K na tous pw ti? 4 mhnes m'exoune sto "lypoumaste alla we need to see your original qualifications". And I've cried while on the phone with a woman from the Student Centre. Oloi mou lene try a local library~ e afto 8a kanw.

Esteila email ston lecturer mou k keinos m eipe local library, h pes se kapoion na parei vivlia gia sena, etsi. Pou8ena xeri voh8eias malaka, oi typikothtes 8a tous fane. Den sas katalavainw esas tous agglous e, hmarton. :P


bip_lar February 11 2009, 02:12:27 UTC
epishs, auto pou skefthka twra pou eida to "copying entire pages by hand", mh kaneis malakies, pare to laptop, phgaine sth biblio8hkh, bres ta biblia pou thes gia bibliography, vres ta kommatia pou theleis na kaneis quote, kai grafe:
Smith, J., [i] Blah blah blah [/i], 1999, Cambridge University Publications: Cambridge

kai kane tetoies listes, ta opoia quotes meta boreis na kaneis incorporate sto essay. ja?


sleepingwgods February 11 2009, 02:27:26 UTC
Jaaa that's what I thought of doing :) Oloklhres selides only if they interest me or I can use them.

Thanks you eee. :*


bibsy February 11 2009, 09:21:17 UTC
I'd slap someone NGL.


sleepingwgods February 11 2009, 23:49:08 UTC
Seriously, I want to slap a lot of people over there. NGL :P Uptight English bastards. But I don't think it would help me much :(


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