So I managed to make a lecture of this today - strangely it's the 9a.m. one I made, not the 12p.m. but anyway according to the lecturer
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Thanks - I thought that was the definition, I was just surprised by the claim that ionising radiation hasn't been shown to cause hereditary damage! It's one of those bits of folk science that everyone thinks they know, I guess...
Hmm. Presumably this means that things like the Bikini Atoll jellyfish babies are the result of exposure to high radiation levels in utero, rather than of actual changes in parental gametes?
Comments 4
(Kit here, btw. I friended you, hope you don't mind!)
Hmm. Presumably this means that things like the Bikini Atoll jellyfish babies are the result of exposure to high radiation levels in utero, rather than of actual changes in parental gametes?
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