Aug 22, 2011 11:07

[ it is a fine, late august monday and buffy summers has just been returned from a kidnapping. but she isn't laid out on the forest floor or wandering the village in a daze. she isn't harmed but she certainly isn't happy. this is because buffy summers is standing unsteadily -- arms crossed tightly over her chest -- in a lavish little bouncy castle ( Read more... )

buffy the monday slayer, let's pretend things are okay, totally needing a time out, !video, !event, maybe this was a bad idea, oh the drama, bill lynch girl, this is code for coping, old slayer; new tricks, !action, domestic bliss is not to be found here

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Comments 747

[voice] lists_to_port August 22 2011, 15:12:21 UTC
BUFFY! [That's all he can manage for the moment because he is very, very, very drunk.]

Castle? In the castle? a princess?


[voice] slaying August 22 2011, 15:15:44 UTC
...Jack. [ goodness, but she doesn't realize how much she'd been looking forward to hearing his voice again until she hears it. some of that anger and embarrassment and frustration dissipates. but only some of it. ]

No. Not like a princess. I'm guessing princesses get to come and go. Also? I'm guessing princesses don't have inflatable floors. Who invented these things? They deserve a brow-beating. I don't even really know what a brow-beating is but it sounds painful and I want the someone who invented this thing to feel pain.

[ ...and back came all the frustration. ]


lists_to_port August 22 2011, 15:17:22 UTC
[Jack has similar feelings about the tunnel of love.]

I'll find you! I'll rescue you! But first I've got to find the door, darling.


slaying August 22 2011, 15:18:32 UTC
I don't need rescuing. [ yes she does. ] I just need...helping. There's a difference! [ not much. ]

...Are you drunk?


[Action] consultmybooks August 22 2011, 15:27:55 UTC
[Great. Where the heck has Grune gotten to this time? He must have covered half the park by now and no sign of her.

Giles pauses as he passes by the bouncy castle. Maybe? No, those boots she always wears would put a hole in the place. Except it would probably be very easy to convince her to take off said shoes. And if she enjoyed the roller coaster...

...the sight of blonde hair through the bouncy castle windows gets his attention. Then he shakes himself, because he's getting as bad as Jack. Then Giles shakes himself again because no, that really is...]


[Have an ex-Watcher waving to get your attention. And, unbenownst to him, the droid's.]


[Action] slaying August 22 2011, 15:30:20 UTC
Giles! [ she reciprocates some of the name-shouting and bounce-steps her way to the little arched entrance. the droids took a threatening step towards that same entrance. buffy mutters a few choice words insulting their nuts and bolts. ]

Giles, they're not letting me out.


Re: [Action] consultmybooks August 22 2011, 15:32:27 UTC
They aren't? [He shifts into a defensive stance...old habits die hard, especially when the droids are being quite that threatening.] W-Well, um, why not? They've generally been making a nuisance of themselves keeping people out, not in.

[The one time he decides to go without a weapon...]


[Action] slaying August 22 2011, 15:36:12 UTC
...Earlier, their little annoying tin voices said something about needing a price.

[ she waves giles' stance away. ] Don't bother. I bothered and I still couldn't get out.


[Action] wingenvy August 22 2011, 16:39:46 UTC
[Hi there, Buffy, it's your friendly neighbourhood bartender! Currently wandering by in the middle of eating his lunch. He's en route to the nearest roller coaster for some post-meal thrills, and he... doesn't even notice the castle! Might want to shout out.]


[Action] slaying August 22 2011, 16:42:09 UTC

[ she'd recognize her co-worker anywhere, she thinks. oh please please please let him hear her over that infernal music. ]


[Action] wingenvy August 22 2011, 17:16:58 UTC
[Huhwhat, looking now- ..........Um.]

...Buffy? You're back!

[And... in a bouncy castle. Okay then,]


[Action] slaying August 22 2011, 17:20:21 UTC
Just flew in and boy are my arms tired. [ she drawls the joke and leans boredly up against one side of the castle's entrance. ]

How's the home-fort doing? [ good spirits, she means. ]


abidinglaw August 22 2011, 16:50:44 UTC
[A good few minutes after Buffy's voice snarks its way out over the journals Norrington enters Luceti land at a run. He dodges his way by a mechanical man with balloons in its creepy metal hands and slows his pace just long enough to spot the standards fluttering in the near-distance. A knight's helm set against a bright blue shield. Castle. Probably. He strides that way, initially confident and purposeful. Then by turns he slows, frowns, gapes. What.. on earth. Is that? A mockery of a castle. An atrociously coloured edifice. The admiral winces even as he rounds the south wall and steps hesitantly into view of the structure's entrance.]



slaying August 22 2011, 16:57:12 UTC
[ anyone who had ever seen the admiral and the slayer interact around the village could probably assume that norrington would be the last hero buffy would want to see galloping to her rescue; however, paradoxically, it's his arrival that brings about relief and hope for an end to this madness. in a mostly strange and not entirely comfortable way, the navyman had become like shining knight -- the protector of the slayer's dignity. after jack had left and then again at dawn's party. ]

You! [ she answers in not a wholly unhappy sort of way. ] How's your throwing arm? Is it good? Please tell me you have a good throwing arm.

[ not even a hello. sigh. ]


abidinglaw August 22 2011, 17:06:10 UTC

[Relief. She certainly seems unharmed.]

If you wish for my help in incapacitating these fiends then I rather think a sword would be more useful.

[He draws it. And turns to the droids.]

Release her at once.


slaying August 22 2011, 17:10:03 UTC
N-no, James...

[ she scrambles for the entrance but one droid shoves her back while the other turns to face the admiral. she's aware of how the man stands no chance of winning. ] Really, all this sword-drawing on my account is hella appreciated but you, uhm... [ the droid unceremoniously knocks the admiral's sword out of his hand. ]

I don't think it's gonna help.


[action] noprevaricating August 22 2011, 17:08:32 UTC

[Have a rather puzzled lieutenant peering at you through the door, around the droid.]


[action] slaying August 22 2011, 17:15:43 UTC
That's my name; don't wear it out.

[ it's archie so she has to look cool and collected and unperturbed despite the fact that she is clawing at the walls with bouncy-castle-fever.

maybe she can pretend like she's here on purpose. ]


[action] noprevaricating August 22 2011, 17:44:47 UTC
[Too late for that.] I heard your message.


[action] slaying August 22 2011, 17:45:52 UTC

[ play dumb, summers. ]


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