Poetry Friday: Flowers by Wendy Videlock

Apr 16, 2021 06:00

They are fleeting.
They are fragile.
They require

little water.
They'll surprise you.
They'll remind you

that they aren't
and they are you.

- Flowers by Wendy Videlock

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Comments 6

ext_4145329 April 16 2021, 15:30:51 UTC
So lovely -- like the surprise ending. Perfect for springtime. Thanks, LW!


slayground April 16 2021, 15:41:41 UTC
Hi Jama! Isn't it cool?


ext_1565055 April 16 2021, 20:36:20 UTC
I do admire those who can write so much with so few words. Nice!


slayground April 16 2021, 21:30:34 UTC
It's so succinct and lovely.


ext_5455719 April 17 2021, 19:33:46 UTC
Lovely. The poem reminds me of the daffodils on my table today.


slayground April 17 2021, 20:15:33 UTC
Hello to the flowers!


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