Title: Nothing Gold
Series: Blind Glory
Author: Nightfall
Disclaimer: characters property of Software Sculpters etc.
Warnings: pre-series AU, eventual shonen-ai
Notes: If I don't start posting this now...
The Blind Glory arc is archived
here. Feedback: would be really, really nice. I'm prouder of this one.
Nature's first green is gold; her
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Comments 11
I'm so glad you like it! See, this is why I keep saying Gutters is old and sucks, no matter how much I love the pairing. I can write better now, really. n,n;
My Rezo is a wonderful muse to have, but I'll restrain myself. His head's big enough. (g)
I love working with Rezo--we've barely seen him when he was really himself, but he still comes through. And then there's that pink teddy-bear...
The priest's bastard child will definitely have a part to play. :)
I really like the description, and the care you take with the differences of the two populations. And the details about the portents especially. The boy intrigues me too, I'm hoping I'll get to know more about him.
Thanks! The worldbuilding is one of the parts of this story I'm enjoying most--to the point, at times, when I wonder if the exposition needs to be chopped off at the knees. And then I go, nah. (g)
Whichever boy you mean, I think that can be arranged...
I meant the blind boy, but I'm sure the priests son has an intriguing story all his own that I'll love reading. And I know how you feel about exposition. My creative writing professor used to tell me he was going to stamp 'show not tell' across my forehead. But at the same time, I really like descriptions of new worlds. Sometimes the reader needs them. :)
Oh, is that the tattoo you mentioned? ;)
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Infidelity was something that, he had heard rumored, happened to other people. Ha.
Your backstorying is excellent. It's so detailed that it's really almost not backstorying at all, it seems. I don't know. The city names and details... make me happy. ^_^ That's all I can think to say about them.
I am strangely fascinated by the bit about the red behind the eyes. The phrasing of it makes it so visual to me, which is probably good (right?), somewhat ironic, perhaps.
I don't really know what I'm saying. It's 2:20 a.m. and I'm usually asleep by now, but for some reason it's not working at the moment, so probably this comment isn't particularly sensical. At any rate, I look forward to future installments. ^_^
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