Disclaimer: characters property of Software Sculpters etc.
Series: Blind Glory
Pairings: Under negotiation. (but if Zel/Xel squicks you out, this is probably not the fic for you.)
Warnings: eventual slashiness, and also, this is set after the series.
Feedback: is enshrined, and concrit is also welcome, when welmannered.
For the record:
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Comments 6
Minor Typo: "fingering her sorceress’s cloak in a away that made Zelgadis"
If you can't figure out what's going on, it's because very little *is* going on at the moment; don't worry about that. There should be a little more action in the next chapter.
Amelia-san's knife thrills me, too. Right down the spine, with horror. And terror. Brrr!
I _still_ do not know exactly what is going on, or what Lina thinks is going on, and I'm not completely sure what Amelia thinks is going on, but all that is just part of the appeal.
POST, POST fair writer, so that I may know more.
Amelia thinks Xellos is under the impression that he can change his alignment to Lawful Good with a costume change, like some kind of comic-book antihero. Lina thinks maybe he thinks that's not a bad first step towards turning his life around, and she knows the power of presentation, so she's not sure she disagrees.
(The comment has been removed)
This wasn't a bad chapter for him; he got in a couple of those 'Am I an idiot or am I perceptive' moments in the last edit, which was nice.
And I love the bit about Lina when she's hungry.
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