Title: Attitude
Pairing: none
Rating: worksafe
Genre: AU, reincarnation, whatever. Calvin & Hobbes fusion.
Type: comic
Summary: Why Lina should never ever ever have her own garage band.
Note: Zel, not being a chimera, has his normal raisin-colored hair (and is one vain SOB. ^,^).
Attitude! )
Comments 9
And you have a LJ! *does happy dance* Would you mind if I friended you? I'm loving the community so far - it's been such a long time since I've seen any good Xel/Zel!
I didn't know *you* had one either! (goes off to friend)
Heh, I wasn't sure what to do with Zel, but he had his own ideas. It's usually that way with him, although the tight T was more unusual.
I've been here on LJ pretty much since my ff.net account got whacked. So what have you been up to? A lot of writing, it looks like. Any other fandoms? *has been sucked in by HP*
although the tight T was more unusual.
I think it's very him though - I think you hit a very good point about vanity. Looks are pretty important to Zel, ne?
(rolls eyes) Are they ever.
I enjoy HP, although it hasn't sucked me in. Saiyuki has eaten my brain, and I'm a more casual fan of FMA, Peacemaker, Ranma, GW, Utena, GB, RK and, waningly, Eva. After you posted that, actually, I spent a very nice afternoon on your journal looking at all the pretty S/R. ^,^
I think Lina and Zel had the only success there, though.
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