Okay, as I promised I bring the list of Dr. Who slavefics that I have found. Some of these are not quite what I prefer to read, but that doesn't mean someone else won't enjoy them! Plus, I'll pretty much given anything that is a slavefic in a fandom I know a chance.
These two fics are both set in the 5th Doctor era, and I am woefully ignorant of any doctors except the 4th,8th, 9th and 10th at the moment. I am endeavoring to remedy that situation, but until I do, I'm not certain I want to read these. Here are the links and the author summaries:
Play The Part- by Lovechilde
"After Tegan is kidnapped by slavers, the Doctor and Turlough must go undercover to save her- but how far does 'playing a part' go, and when does reality step in?"
Warnings/Info:R ,Slash, BDSM, Hurt/Comfort
Invasion of the Future- by logopolis
"The Doctor arrives on Earth in the year 2011 to find it has been invaded and it's population turned into slaves! Set after "The Five Doctors""
No warnings.
The next two are 8th Doctor stories.The author summaries will be in quotations, and I've put a few of my thoughts in italics.
Masquerade- by Mrs Peel
The Doctor must go head to head with a tyrant from another world seeking to enslave humans at a party for an Electronics firm while dealing with a new companion and one old friend.
Actually I haven't read this one yet. So uhm.. .never mind for this one. :P
Dragons of Kalin- by Becca Abbot
(The link goes to the author's warning page, scroll down a bit and voila there it is.)
"In which the Eighth Doctor has all sorts of adventures which are usually frowned upon by the Gallifreyan High Council, Mary Whitehouse, and your typical Doctor Who fanboy."
This a superbly crafted story, the original characters and world are interesting even without The Doctor and the world would make any fan of slave fic awfully gleeful. There is a bit of the whole 'loving your rapist' thing going on, which is generally not my thing, but the story is simply so well written that I still enjoyed it immensely. I would suggest any fan of slavefic read this particular one. It is NC-17 and has quite a bit of non-con.
9th Doctor fics. Again author summaries in quotes, my comments in italics.
Collar & Leash by Consternatio
"Rose has been kidnapped. How far are the Doctor and Jack prepared to go to get her back. (light hearted fic)"
Warnings/Info: NC-17, Jack/Nine Slash
Okay, this is more D/s than slavefic, but still very well written and very well worth the read.
The Devils of Truth Steal the Souls of the Free- by Starkiller
"The Doctor finds himself resorting to some drastic measures to keep his wandering captain out of trouble."
Warnings/Info: Doctor/Jack, NC-17.
There isn't a lot of slavery in this one, the last half is more or less smut. But if you like that sort of thing it's well written smut. (It's also the fic I found through this comm, or found this comm through, depending on how you look at it.)
The Underground Railroad- by Duncan Johnson
"America, 1851. The Doctor and Rose become involved in the smuggling of fugitive slaves."
No warnings.
Haven't read this one.
And lastly, but certainly not least my 10th Doctor finds.
Slavery's Mind -by Sweetdeath04
"The Doctor and Rose land on a planet where the Doctor is forced to play the part of Roses slave. Women are trying to buy him, left, right and centre. But when one woman finds that Rose will not be swayed to part with her 'slave', the time travellers find that Hell hath no fury like a womans wrath! Slavery isn't considered wrong, but is murder?"
WIP, but go poke at this person until they write more. What's there is fairly well done and the premise is fascinating. There is only one short chapter, but I hold out hope that it will continue.
Emancipation- by cheri
"(10/Rose) Rose has been captured and enslaved and after two months the doctor finally locates her."
Warnings/Info:PG-13, Hurt/Comfort
I should love this fic... except it has The Doctor/Rose as established love type relationship. And I don't like that much, which I suppose is my problem. The writing is fairly good, and the premise is quite interesting again.
The Fourth Horseman- by cheri
"10/Rose Dark!Doctor eventually. Some Torture. Reposting this after tweaking it a bit. The Doctor and Rose are captured and enslaved by a madman who wants to use the Doctor as a weapon to conquer the universe."
Warnings/Info: PG-13 Het, Swearing, Graphic Violence
Again, I should love this, it deals with some of my favorite things, including explicit coercion. But there is an established Doctor/Rose relationship again, and I can't get past it. Again, my problem. I might try and read this one again, because it was very well done, what I read.
Stolen Rose -by DW_NuTs
"When Rose is abducted and held as a mindless slave, Jack must do everything he can to bring her back. If he can even find where she'd been taken, that is. Set two years after Doomsday."
No warnings.
Not read it yet, no comments.
And this last one stretches the definition of slavefic, well, it's not particularly, but it *is* rather good. So I put it anyways. :P
How to Lose Friends and Alienate People-by RainyD
"There was always a sense of enforced slavery about the whole thing."
Warnings/Info:R,Het, Angst
If you have any that aren't on this list, TELL ME. PLEASE. *Sad puppy eyes.* It took *days* to find all of these and wade through what happens if you type 'slave' into the summary search at A Teaspoon and An Open Mind (and at FF.net, and in google, etc, etc.) And I want more. :P
Heh, hopefully I'll finish my own fic and be able to add it to this meager list sometime soon. (Anyone interested in beta-ing? Especially someone with a grasp of British English... :P)