Thanks....the intent was to go for that B&W photo look. As so many of his Googled images were coming up ala '50's promo photos. But I can't work without color! So, blue was to be it. Though it may not be evident from these small images, I'm also using this brush pen w/ my pencils. It's been an interesting piece. After I posted this (around 11:15pm) I worked for another 45 minutes or more and though I intended to go to work earlier (or at least on time), I did more on it this morning (only 5 minutes late)... so, it won't be too long 'fore this one is done!
sadly, my mask-making/writing class was cancelled -- I was the only one who signed up for it! -- so you won't be seeing my "artistic" side after all ;)
Comments 4
your musician dude is lookin' fine.
sadly, my mask-making/writing class was cancelled -- I was the only one who signed up for it! -- so you won't be seeing my "artistic" side after all ;)
but please report on your batik progress!
and thanks...a sneek preview of Little Richard (before he's officially on my site) will be posted today....
and YES! Batik class is sat. (fortunately we made the minimum required--bummer about your class tho!)
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