(no subject)

Jan 28, 2006 21:07

Title: Triangle: From Dance Clubs To Broken Hearts
Author: war_of_ataraxis
Pairing: Frankie/Mikey; future Frankie/Gerard
Rating: More than likely NC-17
Summary: Frankie meets Mikey at a club, and they are combined with instant attraction. Unfortunately they lose touch, and a year goes by before they see each other again; too bad at that point, Frankie has a new boyfriend: Mikey's brother, Gerard. Drama, smut, romance, and probably even more drama.
Disclaimer: Not real, don't own.

Previous chapters at love_sex_angst

Hopefully you guys haven't forgotten about this story.

I had barely moved the few steps into the dining area of the apartment before I heard the door close and felt Mikey's thin arms snake around me, his lips automatically connecting with my neck as my breath hitched in my throat; caught off guard I allowed myself to relax back against his arms as his lips continued moving forward upwards to my jawline before I turned my head and connected our lips. Then my entire body turned, arms around his neck, the kiss deepening, bodies flush against each other, warmth flowing between us.

With lingering kisses and backwards footsteps, I was guided slowly to a bedroom down the narrow hallway. Turned to the left by his hands on my hips I moved backwards until I fell lightly onto a bed settled in the middle of the room; unmade and soft, like I would have expected if I had been slightly more sober and willing to allow myself thought.

As I fell, Mikey released me from his grip, remaining standing as I sprawled out slightly onto in the dark bedspread, pulling myself onto my elbows and offering him a curious glance when he only stood there, smiling. In response, he only shook his head before I allowed myself to flop back down onto the bed, the effort of holding myself up suddenly becoming more than I cared for.

A small laugh met my ears before I felt the bed move around me, his knees to either side of my hips, hands placed in the mattress on either side of my neck; his gorgeous face swam into view, and I guided my hands up the legs of his pants, up his thighs until they rested between the crook of his legs and his hips, enjoying the way his eyes closed in response to my gentle touches.

The crooked, still intoxicated smile overtook my lips, before they were covered once again with his own, pressed against his body;

Fuck, this is amazing.

His hand slid down the side of my shirt as his hips ground down slightly into my crotch the friction and gentle touch combination sending waves of pleasure through my body, intensified when his finger tips finally found their way underneath my shirt, automatically sliding upward as he lifted his body, gently grazing my nipple. I bit my lip at the slight coolness of his hands in contrast to the heat of my flesh, my nipples automatically growing hard to meet his eager strokes. Then his hand moved down again over my thin stomach, lips breaking apart and tilting his head down to look down as he began to lift my shirt, my pale skin exposed in an exaggerated slowness that drove me insane.

I watched his tongue dart out to moisten his lips before the shirt was pulled over my head and I lost view; then my eyes fell closed again as his lips started a spastic trail across my chest; down over, almost like a crooked cross, though this all was so good it had to be sinful.

This his lips were against mine again, my fingers brushing finally upward over the bulge in his pants, to lift his shirt over his head, courage coursing through my veins before I finally grasped his hips and flipped him onto the underside of our embrace; surprise registered in his eyes before he smiled, and I could only giggle an insanely un-masculine laugh before hands trailed down to his belt buckle.

A small wink from god knows where within my wretched intoxicated brain, before fingers began fumbling slightly to graze his crotch by no planned method, though results were appreciated when soft moans met my ears.

Unable to stand it, I finally unfastened his pants, tugging them roughly down his skinny hips, revealing pale white skin that enticed my vision for the seconds as it was removed, smiling at the small laughs that came out of Mikey's mouth as he lay there, staring at the ceiling, hands moving restlessly over his lower abdomen just above his protruding erection. I watched his hands move as I threw his pants to the ground, mentally begging him to move just a bit lower...

And then, finally, his drunken movements wrapped around his boxer covered shaft, stroking slightly, my mouth falling open as I watched him. Finally, I allowed myself to rest on the bed beside him, on my side, watching his motions, ignoring my own aching cock to enjoy the show; Mikey's eyes fallen closed to the pleasure of his own movements.

Then, before I could help myself, I allowed my hand to ghost lightly over his hip, resting and sliding down, his movements stopped. My hand finally rested over his, pulling it gently away from his warm groin, before moving my hand slowly down the front of his boxers; a small manicured portion of coarse hair met my fingers, and then his warm shaft was in my grip.

A sharp intake of breath and I watched his eyes fly open at the sudden contact, before drifting back semi-closed as I continued stroking him, his breath hitching every few seconds; sounds causing me to reach down and rub myself roughly through my pants, the fabric and friction combining with alcohol causing my eyes to become lazy, before I felt his hand close around my wrist and withdraw my hand from his boxers.

"I want you to have some fun too," he muttered, his hand skirting across my crotch before he moved his body back over me, a return to our former position. His hands trailed down my sides, before he leaned in and placed a simple kiss to my lips. "You know, Frankie... you're so beautiful," he muttered against my lips before his hand suddenly grasped my crotch roughly, biting down on lip and causing a loud moan to come out of my throat.

"Gah," I only managed to mutter; not quite understandable, but the smile that played on his lips clearly showed he understood my desperation. His hand traveled up from my crotch to the button of my pants, quickly undoing it with nimbleness I hardly expected, hands sliding down the zipper in a fluid motion; the relief the stretch of the fabric was a relief and a disappointment as he lifted and moved himself to remove my pants.

But any disappointment was erased as he eased himself back over me, fingers lightly touching my skin, before hooking a finger in my boxers and completing their removal so that I now lay naked on his bed, his eyes moving over my body, my tattoos.

My thoughts slow, I was suddenly jerked forward when I felt his soft lips find a spot of skin just above my cock and to the left of my happy trail; one hand gripping the base of my cock, his thumb making slow movements over the surface. My head swam, and then drowned as I felt his mouth take in my length, sucking slowly and steadily up and down, tongue swirling that I grasped the sheets just to reassure me that this pleasure was real and existed in this world.

His mouth was working magic and all I could do was release low, throaty moans, and squeeze my eyes tight as his pressure varied, hand still grasping and massaging my base as his tongue licked and dipped. The moans continued until he pulled away, and then his body became level with mine again, lips against mine, whimpering simply, "I can't wait anymore."

My eyes were open and looking into his as he grasped my hand in his, leading it down to covet the pulsing and heated erection still clothed. Wordlessly, my mind still swimming in a slight tequila pond, I flipped him back onto his back, pulling his boxers off dutifully as soon as I was positioned above him. His eyes once again roved my body, and a smile came to his lips, but I kissed it away, replacing silence with moans with lips and tongues entwined, erections brushing over each other.

His eyes gestured to the bedside table, from which I quickly procured a tube of lube, his hand sliding over my ass as I leaned, playfully spanking it, allowing another small laugh to come out, even though I could hear the impatience growing, solidified with his own words of, "Fuck, Frankie, hurry up."

I was above him again, the cool liquid squeezed into my hand and quickly applied to my own aching shaft, then allowing one finger to slip down and be inserted into his entrance, coating to allow as little pain as he would still feel in his ebbing intoxicated stupor. A smile still played on his face, and I quickly wondered if he always smiled like this, or if it was just under the circumstances of tonight.

I finally felt ready, and his eyes opened at the absence of my fingers, and without so much as any spoken word or gesture, I began to push into him, his legs wrapping lightly around my waist, hands cradling his hips to allow me better motion as I moved partially from him, slowly, giving time to adjust, a slight grimace on his face, cheeks rosy in contrast to his pale eyelashes that lay against them.

I gave him a slight bit of time before I began to push myself back into him, then out again, working to maintain my balance and my rhythm, knees beginning to feel weak when I heard his soft moans begin to fill the air in time with my thrusts, following after and infiltrating the beginning of the next like an unending pleasurable song.

It wasn't long before his hand fell down and began stroking his own erection as my hips continued to move inside of him, taking the time to enjoy the pleasure of each, no rush, no chaos, just thrusts that brought me deep, ripped sounds from his throat, and then removed me in a way that was just as pleasure, before it was repeated.

A small sweat had accumulated on my brow, and I could see him biting his lips when I felt the pressure building up in my lower abdomen, the slow tense of the muscles of my body that signaled the peak of all the nights events; without meaning my hips began to thrust more forcefully in an almost frenzied way, the pressure becoming greater and greater as our moans mingled and filled the entire room.

And then, finally, it came; I came, unable to withhold the strangled cry and release that had been building since the very moment we'd stepped onto the dance floor; I continued pumping into him, watching as his eyes flew open when he finally followed over the edge; his light brown hair splayed, glasses slightly askew;


The mess was over his stomach, and mine inside him, as I fell to the bed beside him, breathing heavily, my nostrils finally catching the intoxicating scent of sex and sweat; alcohol underlying, but not outmost.

I watched him reach other and clean himself with a Kleenex from his bedside table, tossing it into the wastebasket beside the bed before he scooted himself back over to me, a smile on his face as he pulled the covers up and around us. One arm slung around my waist, causing one of my arms to do the same as I pulled him close, his face burying in my neck, too exhausted to even bother removing the black rimmed glasses as he breathed in my sweaty skin.

"Amazing," I could've sworn I heard him mutter against my damp skin; but I was unsure, because at that moment, the entire night overwhelmed me in the most tiresome of ways, and my eyes fell closed without delay, sleep enclosing me in the aftermath of such pleasures.


A/N; Okay, yeah, let's not kill me, it took two weeks to churn out this chapter, too many mood swings can sometimes impede on one's writing ability, you know?

Hopefully it was worth it and people haven't forgotten about this story!

Tell me what you thought. ;)

And yes, there's a lot more to it; I think there shall be drama and more smut from here.
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