Rebirth 6-8 B/T/?

Aug 14, 2009 05:25

Title: Rebirth

Author: Wyldchilde (

Rating: Dark, Erotic, Darkly Erotic, NC-17 for sex, violence and mature themes.
Disclaimer: This story contains F/F romantic/sexual interaction as all my stories do. The rating above will say just what kind of interaction. So if you are unable to read that sort of thing for reasons either personal or legal, don't. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant to play homage to the original show, and not to challenge any existing copyrights. Though anything that happens to be created by the author as a result of this fic will be property of the author.

Pairing: Buffy/Tara/?

Summary: Looking at the "heroes" of season 6 the villains seem to make more sense. This story continues in that vein.

Spoilers: Set in season 6 soon after "All the way." So anything up to that point, and probably a few things after.

Archive: Just email and ask.

Wyld's Notes: Who here has not been pissed off by season 6? I'm not talking the usual plot twists or story complications. I mean the full fledged "What the **** were they thinking?" kind of pissed. So I am channeling my anger, and the way the seasons going it looks like this is going to be a rather long story.

I thought this story dead, long dead, but recently reading the stories of one Kinetic Kid (who’s email I STILL can’t get to work for me) left me feeling inspired to write after a long 4 year absence, and this was one of the stories that I resurrected. Or in the case of this story just dug back up.
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