Title: The Drawer
periwinkle27Fandom: Man from UNCLE
Characters/Pairing: Solo/Kuryakin
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
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Disclaimer: Sadly, I have no ownership rights to the series. This is a work of fan fiction and not for profit.
The Drawer
by Periwinkle
Illya pulled Napoleon’s dresser drawer open. Instead of underwear, he found:
A whole drawerful.
Why did Napoleon need so many? Illya could think of several uses for handcuffs, one being the usual of securing Thrush agents, although he doubted Napoleon planned to capture twenty Thrushies at once. The two of them had used four for their “play,” but this was an obscene amount. Literally. Illya had visions of Napoleon handcuffing a row of… he didn’t want to go there.
He took one pair from the drawer. He’d have to use them tonight to find out the drawer’s exact function.