Title: Written in Shadows
Author: Très Méchante
Fandom: Buffyverse
Characters/Pairing(s): Miss Edith, implied Drusilla/Willow Rosenberg, implied Drusilla/Darla
Summary: The darkness will not be denied.
Rating/Warnings: Mature; sexual innuendo, dark images, creepy
Spoilers: set somewhere around season 2 of Angel and season 5/6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Word count: 235 approx.
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They have merely been borrowed to satisfy the whims of my muse, and will be returned no worse for their little adventure.
Prompt: This was written for
slashtheimage prompt 021.
Notes: Miss Edith insisted on this and would not leave me alone until it was written. Since the prompt has not yet closed, this is a sign that Miss Edith’s will must be done. *whimper*
"creepiness at my LJ" ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~