Title : What Each One Wants
Fandom : due South
Pairing : Metcalf/Kowalski ; implied Fraser/Kowalski
Characters : Ray Kowalski, Victoria Metcalf, Diefenbaker
Rating : Mature Audiences
Word Count : 200
Author Notes : This double-drabble ficlet is in the poetic form of a tanka : five-line stanzas where the first and third lines are each five syllables and where the second, fourth, and fifth lines are each seven syllables. (As if I weren't challenging myself ENOUGH with the specifics of the drabble word-count!)
Summary : Victoria wants dominance, Diefenbaker wants pizza, Ray wants to be uncuffed and able to kick Victoria in the head.
Warnings : intended noncon.
It was awkward for
a police detective to
wake up cuffed to a
bed with his own damn handcuffs...
the woman had spiked his drink.
It was awkward...and
heading into much worse...when
the woman said, "Ben's
mine and always will be, and
all that's his will be mine, too."
Ray was on his own
that night, had gone out to have
some pizza and beer.
Victoria was seeking
Ray, wanting what was Fraser's.
She had taken Ray
on the way to reclaiming
Fraser; she wanted
complete control, she wanted
Fraser both body and soul.
She touched Ray's arm; she
stroked his tattoo. "Champion,"
she murmured. "Not when
you compete with me for him."
And then she unzipped Ray's jeans.
Her hand on Ray's cock,
she declared, "After what I'm
going to do to
you, Ben will have to think of
me each time he touches you."
Fierce and defiant,
Ray growled like Dief and then had
the errant thought that
Dief was awaiting his share
of food to be brought by Ray.
And as if on cue,
in came Dief through an open
window, on the trail
of his share of pizza...and
thus also to the rescue.