Past Prompts Revisited: Prompt #202. House, M.D., Masters/Hadley

Apr 25, 2011 13:16

Author: rosehiptea
Title: Inexplicable
Fandom: House M.D.
Char/Pairing: Martha Masters/Remy Hadley
Rating: PG-13
Words: 400
Warnings: None
Summary: Martha learns from Remy, and maybe Remy learns just a little too.
Notes: For Prompt #290 -- Past Prompts Revisited. I used #202 -- First.

At first Remy thinks she’s going to have to teach Martha everything in bed. Though she’s a lot more used to women with experience, the idea doesn’t bother her that much. Everybody doesn’t have to be an expert.

But even though she’s the first woman Martha’s ever been with, and practically the first person, it’s Remy who ends up surprised. Martha’s the research expert and you can research sex just like you can anything else. The first time Martha suggests something Remy’s never tried before, Remy wants to laugh. Then when she ends up with one of the best orgasms of her life, she stops laughing.

What Martha doesn’t know is how to have a relationship. If it were up to her they’d spend the time they don’t spend in bed talking about the latest medical techniques. When Remy asks Martha what she wants to do for Valentine’s day, Martha just gives her a blank look. Remy’s birthday passes by unremarked, not because Martha forgot it but because she “didn’t realize grown-ups ever did anything for their birthdays.” Sometimes Remy wonders if Martha is fully grown up.

She has her moments, though. The first time she says "I love you," is the first time she’s said it, at least to anyone but her parents. That’s so powerful it scares Remy. When Martha brings her a rose because "Oh, I don’t know, it reminded me of you," Remy ends up pressing it in a book, even as she thinks to herself that it’s the most stupid sentimental thing she’s ever done.

Remy tells herself that they shouldn’t live together. They’re too different and would drive each other crazy. But in the end they have a little apartment. Martha cooks good practical food and decorates the place with paper airplanes. Remy brings home booze and joints and Martha just shakes her head. Her friends confuse Martha, and Martha still doesn’t have any other friends, but that’s not the important part.

At first they have one bedroom for each of them, but in the end they share one bed every night like other couples. Remy tosses and turns and tries to take her half down the middle, and Martha lies like a stone and repeats medical mnemonics until she falls asleep. And as Remy lies holding her, one of Martha’s books digging into her spine, she realizes that the important part is... inexplicable.

house md

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