(no subject)

Aug 04, 2008 21:44

Title: Pretense.
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Buffy/Faith
Rating/Warnings: PG;
Word Count: 200
Prompt/Theme: #174 "Broke(n)"
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything

She breaks a broomstick in half and gives the longer piece to Buffy. Ten demons are about to break down the door and she can feel her heart pounding in her chest. It’s dark in the crypt and her eyes are trying to adjust.

“Where’s Willow and her ball of sunlight when you need it.” Faith’s joke falls flat and she can hear the way B’s breathing sound more like gasps of air.

“Hey,” she says as she reaches out and grabs a hold of Buffy’s arm roughly. She pulls her close. “Look at me, B.”

They’re so close that their noses brush against each other, but neither of them take a step back. It’s so dark that the pretense of obliviousness isn’t needed.

Faith’s eyes trail downward from hazel orbs to thin, parted lips, “Chosen two, B.” she says as the door behind them begins to crack. “We got this.”

She can feel Buffy’s breath against her lips and can taste her scent.

The demons charge in and Buffy’s eye sparkle, a killer breaks through and leaves the blonde cheerleader behind, “Let’s win this one.”

Faith laughs as they step apart, “Nah, I say we win them all!”

Title: Too Close
Fandom: AtS
Pairing: Spike/Angel
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 200
Prompt/Theme: #174 "Broke(n)"
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything

You can’t fix what’s been broken, not after so many years have pasted and the cracks have grown mold and have began to reek.

The sentiment is a tad bit dramatic, but Angel, none the less, tells him self this every time they talk.

Spike gets a little too close and Angel pushes him away. He hates that they both know each other’s personal space so well that the other is aware of just how far to go until it’s too much.

He wants Spike to ruin it, to go too far, just so that he can laugh at him and say, “See, I knew it, this will never work.”

But Spike doesn’t overstep. He only gets a little too close, and it drives Angel mad.

Spike will get this look in his eyes, challenging him to make a move. His lips curl up at the same time as his tongue. “Bloody Poof,” he’ll hiss.

And Angel will tell himself as he gets so close that Spike’s lips almost brush his, that their, ‘whatever it is that they have’, will finally end one day.

He’ll scream in Spike’s face and Spike will laugh endlessly, because it’s right there in Angel’s eyes and he hates that Spike sees it.

Title: Broken Telly
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Xander/Spike
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 300
Prompt/Theme: #174 "Broke(n)"
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything

“Xan,” Spike says as he walks into the basement with a box of pizza.

Xander turns his back from where he’s laying in the bed and tells the vampire to go away.

“Aw, pet don’t be like that,” the vampire pouts as puts down the pizza and climbs into the bed with the human.

Xander moves away and almost falls out of the bed, before he regains his balance and yells at the vamp to get the hell out.

“Pet, I said I’m sorry, didn’t I?”

Xander doesn’t acknowledge him and Spike wraps his arm around the boy, “I got you pizza,” he says in a sing-song voice.

“Don’t want it!”

“Come on, pet, I know you do.”

Xander turns around and glares, “What I want is a new TV.”

Spike places his head down and brushes his nose against the human’s neck. “I’ll get you a new one, I promise.”

“Yeah, with what money?”

“Been playing poker, now haven’t I?”

“Kittens don’t make new TVs, Spike, unless they have magical powers I’ve never heard of.”

“Actually they do,” Spike says as he looks up and smiles at Xan.

The boy snorts, “Do not.”

“They do, Pet.” Spike states with certainty.

Xander opens his mouth to protest, but Spike talks over him.

“They have the power to make anyone crack a smile.”

Xander rolls his eyes and his lips begin to curl upward.

“See,” Spike says as he brushes his fingers against Xander’s lips, “they’re powers already have a hold over you.”

“Moron,” Xander chuckles just before he kisses Spike’s finger.

Spike stares at Xan’s lips and nods his head absently, “Yeah, I am, pet; and you know I’m sorry about your telly.”

Xander only replies by smuggling closer.

buffyverse: angel/spike, buffyverse: spike/xander, buffyverse: buffy/faith

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