benebuPrompt: #163 Bad Idea
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Pairing: Cliff/Logan
Title: A Distraction for Another.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Rob Thomas created this show.
Note: 1. Graciously betaed by the charming
dacian_goddess. 2. Please tell me that I'm not the only one thinking this pairing totally makes sense?
Retreating to Logan's bedroom had made sense at the time: the moans coming out from Casablancas' room weren't exactly the background noises they needed to discuss Logan's upcoming testimony.
But it didn't improve Cliff's concentration, for he was now supposed to prepare his client's testimony while said client was lying on rumpled sheets - did Echolls even know how to make his bed? - head propped on one hand while his other hand had slipped under his tee-shirt.
"Cliffie?" The hand left the stomach, leaving the tee-shirt upturned in its wake.
"Hey, Cliff!" Logan sat up. "My testimony? Tomorrow?"
"Huh? Oh, right."
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Jumper
Pairing: Griffin/David
Title: Reasons
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Do not own.
Letting David in, in his life, had been a good decision, Griffin thought to himself, if a bit too forcefully. It meant having someone to watch his back, someone to rely on, someone to talk strategy with; it meant that his never-ending fight against that plague, the Paladins, was no longer a solitary mission.
So, it didn't matter if his 'list of reasons why letting David grow close to me is a bad idea' was three times longer.
Neither did the fact that all the good reasons had come second to the pretty face and the puppy eyes.
Did it?
Word Count: 300
Fandom: The West Wing.
Pairing: Sam/Otto
Title: Blame it on Josh
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The show was created by the ever brilliant Aaron Sorkin.
Note: Spoilers for the end of season 7.
It was such a bad idea that Sam was sure that he would be able to find a way to blame it on Josh. It wasn't difficult, usually.
Fact: Josh needed to be kept in line.
And now that Donna had permanently stepped out of the job - during working hours, that was, but were there other kind of hours for the White House Chief of Staff? - only a few people seemed able to take up such a challenge. The relief had almost been palpable, though, when Margaret accepted to do it
Consequence: bright, keen, efficient Otto couldn't be Josh's P.A.
He couldn't have really believed that his first job in a White House he didn't knew would be the one of personal assistant of the Secretary General, on the basis that his name was one of the few Josh had managed to remember from the whirlwind the campaign had been, could he?
Further consequence: bright, keen, efficient… - make him Sam's P.A.!
Sam needed an assistant. Otto needed to learn. It hadn't taken long for one of those bright minds up there to pair them up. And it was fine, really, because Otto was competent, and they worked well together, and Sam was delighted that someone, somewhere, had thought to include an eye-candy bonus to compensate for the 100+ hours a week he spent working.
He hadn't been worried when his liking for watching the young man had turned into something of a crush - that thankfully he had managed not to betray. But now, he was wasting a precious time he didn't really have to wonder if it wasn't more serious than he had first thought it.
Deputy Chief of Staff Falls For His Assistant.
Not only was it pathetic, it wasn't even original.
Josh had started that trend years ago.
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Gellert/Albus
Title: Mistakes, I've made a few
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: JK Rowling created this universe I have so much fun playing in.
Bad ideas.
Keeping my nose in my books, as if the future I once had was merely on hold, and not slowly slipping out of my reach.
Neglecting Aberforth and Ariana when they needed me, my attention and my love.
Letting your obsession for the Hallows grow on me - except than in truth, you were ten times more fascinating to me than any forgotten artefact you might have been talking about.
I can't really bring myself to regret the last one, though.
Moth to the flame, I would have gladly burnt if it had only gotten me closer to you.