New Clothes - 300 words

Dec 31, 2006 13:22

Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Prompt: 108 - Holidays
Rating: PG
Pairing: George/Alex
Summary: On New Year's Eve, George lets Alex choose what he wears. He quickly regrets that decision.

"Just wear it, George," Alex insisted as he hovered by the door. He was trying not to laugh - but it was difficult considering the horrified expression on George's face. "C'mon. We're meant to be meeting your friends in two seconds."

Meredith and Izzie were always going to be George's friends. Even if they were all spending New Year's Eve together. Didn't mean anything.

Alex didn't really do 'friends'. George was lucky that he even did 'boyfriends'.

George looked up at him, wide-eyed. "It's pink."

"You said I could pick what you wore."

"Very pink."

"Yeah. And it's gonna make you look hot, so get it on."

George didn't seem convinced. Frankly, Alex wasn't trying too hard at persuading him - at the moment, George was standing in the centre of the room topless, attempting to comprehend the neon pink garment that Alex had left on the bed for him. It was a nice view.

"Alex? It's pink. Like, burn-your-eyeballs pink. I can't wear it."

"It's New Year's. You're supposed to try new things."

"Not that new," George protested with a pout that Alex just wanted to lick.

"Fine. Don't wear it: go topless all evening. Not my problem."


"What? Either way you look hot."

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"I hate that shirt."

"Fair enough."

Alex stepped forwards and slipped his arms around George's waist. He then let his hand skim up over George's back, over the smooth skin there.

George looked up at him, puppy dog eyes still unhappy. "I'll wear the dumb shirt."

Alex smiled and leaned down to kiss him, lightly and carefully. "Shame. Bet Izzie would've liked seeing you wander around shirtless all night."

"Yeah. Izzie would." George rolled his eyes, kissed him again, before pulling away to go and put that shirt on.


grey's anatomy

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