(no subject)

May 25, 2006 01:17

Title: Let the Tears Flow
Author: scarlettlily
Fandom: Btvs Season 5
Pairing: Buffy/Willow
Summary: Buffy is gone and Willow needs to deal.

They were putting her in the ground today. She is really dead and not coming back with some help from Xander this time. She is really dead. How can she be dead? She was supposed to save the world but not by dying. But she could not lose Dawn. I wish someone would love me like she loved Dawn. Loved, past tense. I cannot think of her as past tense. But I am going to have to learn how because that is all she can do now. She is now in the past tense and there is nothing I can do about it. There has to be something, this cannot be the end, what can I do?

Magic! Why did it not occur to me before? I have the power and the determination to find the spell. Maybe if I bring her back she will finally see what I have been trying to show her all these years. How much I love her and how I cannot live without her. Tara's nothing compared to her. I can do this. Stop the tears and focus.

Four months later as she thought the spell failed, Willow let the tears flow once again.

buffyverse: buffy/willow

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