...Because the RaceFail09 discusssion is for everyone

Mar 21, 2009 15:42

OK, breaking a long LJ silence, the reasons for which I won't go into. I'll blame credit bethbethbeth for making me think about those reasons. Not that she asked, or should care. *g* It was just something that came up in the course of another conversation - the reasons I prefer to be on IJ, when I'm online these days at all. Such a pesky nuisance, RL.

But what better to post on than race? Because seriously, there is so much work to be done - in RL as well as in fandom.

Here's an opportunity to speak out against racism in RL. Brought to you by the Facebook group WORK, which stands for Whites Overcoming Racism through Knowledge. Go ahead, join - if you've read any of Damali Ayo's work, like her famous I Can Fix It! guidebook of "ten simple solutions to address our current "third grade level of race relations," you'll see her comments there.

At issue is an Old Navy ad that uses sexism, particularly a stereotype of black women, in a particularly disturbing way. Several ways, actually. It aired on American Idol and a bunch of people who were there simply for entertainment went OMG WTF. And have suggested folks contact parent company The Gap, or comment on their website or at youtube where the ad is posted.

See the ad and read Harry Allen's critique at his blog, Media Assassin.

Comment there or on WORK's Facebook discussion board. There at WORK you'll find a couple of members have helpfully posted one draft letter of comment, as well as The Gap's contact info, and other places one can bring objections to The Gap's attention.

The Gap
2 Folsom St.
San Francisco, CA 94105 (Map)
Phone: 650-952-4400
Fax: 415-427-2553
Toll Free: 800-333-7899

Their stupid Old Navy ad on Youtube, and several places to leave comments:
and Supermodelquins

* you must be signed into YouTube to leave comments
* rate the ad with the stars
* click on the thumbs up next to comments you like
* write a review. you can not leave comments with links... youtube considers that spam

Thanks to WORK member Goldie for the link and helpful info on how to comment!

According to WORK-er Judith, who found the Gap contact info and alerted WORK members to the opportunity for action, there are also several Old Navy and Gap Facebook "fan" pages where one can join and post a comment. (And then quit it so as not to be looking like a continuing fan of this kind of clueless company.)

If you want to comment here, feel free. I may not have much time to respond, so I will go ahead right now and say this:

a. Any discussion between ya'll in comments is fine so long as it stays constructive.
b. If I take a look and see ad hominem attacks (that is, people bashing people instead of sticking to critical clear thinking about words and actions), I'll freeze and/or delete as seems necessary. There are plenty of other places to be discussing and learning more about racism, privilege, and RaceFail09.
c. Meta site linking ok, personal journal linking ok, wank sites linking NOT OK.

ETA: One of the most disturbing things about this ad is when you look at the Old Navy's own websites (check their Youtube postings) you discover this:

The model black woman who gets stripped, ogled by a white guy, and mocked in front of the general public and her kids?

Is named Michelle.

WTFWTFWTF?!! *blinks* With all the money they make, all the creditable media consultants and focus groups they can afford, The Gap and Old Navy are totally pantsless in this racist ad.

Go ahead, say something to Old Navy and The Gap. You might want to say something to the ad's defenders on Youtube, too, about their various ignorant, defensive, and tired old Derailing tactics. I think we could fill a RaceFail Bingo card from the pantsless comments on just one of the Youtube URLs.

privilege, racefail09, media, ads

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