Popstar to Operastar

Jan 15, 2010 21:31

*Alex James murders an aria*

Thomas: So who's he then?
Me: Alex James, singer of Blur? .... Makes cheese?
Thomas: What, just by singing at it?

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Comments 6

chinawolf January 16 2010, 01:03:37 UTC
*cough* Sometime I feel like I'm the only person in the world who likes Alex James. Let me just gently correct then: he played bass for Blur. The very talented Damon Albarn was/is Blur's singer, writer and general front-person.


chinawolf January 16 2010, 01:04:44 UTC
(But by God, that was a good line. :D)


slashkilter January 16 2010, 15:07:53 UTC
I've seen him on a couple of things and he seems nice enough. It's just that he can't really sing, and he certainly can't sing opera. Try and youtube it, it's worth seeing!


pipolina January 16 2010, 13:29:34 UTC
ich liebe alex. und den käse. hahahaha. darf ich das bitte weiterleiten?


slashkilter January 16 2010, 15:06:53 UTC
Aber gerne doch. Ernsthaft, es war halb lustig und halb ohrblutend! Ein echter "Ich glaub nicht, dass ich DAS grad im TV sehe!" Moment.


schnurble January 18 2010, 08:03:09 UTC
Love the cheese comment! ROFL!


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