Fic: Tastes Divine

May 21, 2016 08:11

Title: Tastes Divine - at AO3
Word count: ~1000
Rating: FRT
Pairing: Ronon/Evan
Warnings: None
Summary: Written for the comment_fic prompt: "Stargate Atlantis, Ronon Dex/Evan Lorne, Evan introduces Ronon to his favourite dessert." Evan's favorite dessert is tiramisu. The marines on Atlantis may or may not also be interested in some tiramisu.

pairings: lorne/ronon, rating: pg-13

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Comments 2

fififolle May 24 2016, 05:23:32 UTC
Thanks for sharing! You write so cleverly, I love it xxx


nagi_schwarz May 24 2016, 06:02:25 UTC
Thank you!


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