12 Days of Lorne (Day three -fic: Lorne/Sheppard, Rodney/Ronon, PG-13)

Dec 16, 2014 10:06

Title: A Rodney Sunday
Author: Denyce
Pairing: Lorne/Sheppard, Ronon/Rodney
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: foodie kink? Blindfold, implied bdsm
Word count: 1085
Summary: Rodney’s actions push John to confront Evan that he wants more.
Disclaimer: The characters and settings of Stargate: Atlantis are not my creation and I hold no claim to them.
Notes: ( Read more... )

12days challenge, rating: pg-13, author: denyce, 12days-07, pairings: lorne/sheppard

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Comments 4

eriah211 December 17 2014, 22:41:57 UTC
That was sweet and terribly yummy at the same time ^_^
Ronon/Rodney? The perfect example of opposites attracted *g*
Great fic!


denyce December 18 2014, 16:11:45 UTC
Thank you! I definitely have a sweet spot for R/R ;)


fififolle December 21 2014, 10:48:41 UTC
Ooh, very sweet. I loved John's reaction *g* And adore the way he voiced that he wanted to that for Evan... yes, please!! :D


denyce December 30 2014, 06:05:05 UTC
Yay, thank you =)


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