12 Days of Lorne - Day 10 - Fic - The List (Lorne/Ronon) [R]

Dec 24, 2012 08:46

Title: The List
Series: Lorne with the Lot
Author: Mandy
Characters: Lorne/Ronon
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Summary: Ronon asks Lorne for assistance

Lorne with the Lot #10 )

12days challenge, rating: r, 12days-05, pairings: lorne/ronon, author: mandykaysfic

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Comments 6

eriah211 December 23 2012, 23:12:13 UTC
Very complete list \0/
And lol for confusing comments during dirty talk *g*


mandykaysfic December 24 2012, 21:04:29 UTC
It goes alphabetically all the way to sex toys and water sports, so should keep them busy for a long time!


fififolle December 24 2012, 00:03:00 UTC
Ooh, fisting, yay :D This is yum :D


mandykaysfic December 24 2012, 21:05:20 UTC
Yay indeed! They've got a whole alphabet of fun things to try.


sexycazzy December 24 2012, 12:31:16 UTC
Yummy! *g* I like that list! ;)


mandykaysfic December 24 2012, 21:06:29 UTC
They like the list too. There's months or years of fun getting to x, y & z.


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