12 Days: Day 9: The Choice is Mine to Make? You Bastard! - L/P (R)

Dec 22, 2012 18:07

Title: The Choice is Mine to Make? You Bastard!
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis - AU
Series: Spoilers!
Pairing: Lorne/Parrish
Rating: R
Word Count: 971

Summary: David meets a stranger in the University library on Christmas Eve and everything just seems to click in place, as if by magic.
Content Notes: Brief mention of a previous altercation/non con
Happy ( Read more... )

12days challenge, rating: r, 12days-05, pairings: lorne/parrish, author: rinkafic

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Comments 7

fififolle December 23 2012, 08:33:54 UTC
OMG! So angsty and twisty! What have you done, Lor?? It's so very him :D Cece always did say he was trouble. Poor David :( I hope he enjoyes his new memory *g*


rinkafic January 31 2013, 19:04:20 UTC

... )


rinkafic January 31 2013, 19:05:42 UTC
here's my opinion... the thing that happened made him a different David than we have known and loved. The change made him who we love. :)

... )


fififolle February 3 2013, 10:19:52 UTC
I'm glad for David that Lor intervened, even if he felt a little violated. I know he'll forgive him. *wibble*
I love your writing, and it means a lot to know you appreciate feedback, but if you ever get that far behind in future, I will happily accept one duck and one butterfly, hahaha. xxx


squidgiepdx January 10 2013, 03:48:27 UTC
Awwww..... How very cool! And oh, Evan making things right for a David he wasn't even supposed to know yet. ::happy sigh::


rinkafic January 31 2013, 18:38:55 UTC
Sorry I am so slow in replying to comments!

*squishies the Squidgie*

I don't remember if I sent you ducks. If I did, have more!

Come to the Duck Side!!!

... )


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