12 Days of Lorne: Day 5: Slashing Lorne 12 Ways Master Post

Dec 18, 2012 01:35

Okay, so here’s my entry for the 12 Days of Lorne

This is ALL Claire’s fault. She dared me. (She’ll say she didn’t, but she did.) She dared me to slash Lorne with 12 different guys. Challenge accepted.
Some of these were prompts folks gave me throughout the year, that languished in my notebook until now. Sorry for the wait.

Happy Lorning, everyone!

And ( Read more... )

12days challenge, 12days-05, pairings: lorne/ronon, pairings: lorne/mckay, author: rinkafic, pairings: lorne/other, pairings: lorne/mitchell, pairings: lorne/zelenka, pairings: lorne/sheppard, pairings: lorne/parrish, pairings: lorne/chuck

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Comments 7

fififolle December 18 2012, 09:14:16 UTC
Oh wow!! This is going to be so brilliant! Thank you xxx


rinkafic January 31 2013, 19:19:33 UTC
You're so welcome!

... )


toomuchfandom December 18 2012, 11:07:03 UTC
Claire is brilliantly evil:D


clwilson2006 December 18 2012, 12:53:37 UTC
I... I... I didn't mean in 12 different fics!!! I meant ONE FIC with all 12 guys!!!!!!

you are so bloody AWESOME!!!!!

do I read in order or leap right to the L/P one?


rinkafic December 18 2012, 15:34:03 UTC


*snark* squidgiepdx December 18 2012, 18:31:30 UTC
This is ALL Claire’s fault.

::snark:: Welcome to my world! And also the reason I have a very popular tag in my LJ called "clwilson2006 made me do it". :)


Re: *snark* rinkafic December 18 2012, 21:35:09 UTC

Yeah, I need to start tagging like that too!


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