Fic: A Hidden Moment - Lorne/Parrish - G

Oct 17, 2012 11:18

TITLE: A Hidden Moment
PAIRING: Lorne/Parrish
CHARACTERS: Miko Kusenagi, Radek Zelenka, Elizabeth Weir, Chuck, Lorne, Parrish
PROMPT: October 17th 100-Word-Drabble-Prompt: Photographs
NOTES: Mods, can I please request an author tag?

100 word drabble is behind the cut. )

author: squidgiepdx, pairings: lorne/parrish, rating: g

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Comments 10

clwilson2006 October 17 2012, 18:32:36 UTC
awwwwwwww sniffs

(and I didn't make you do it either!)


squidgiepdx October 17 2012, 18:50:55 UTC
I know!!!! Though I don't mind using my "clwilson2006 made me do it!" tag 'cause it's usually fun!! :)


calcitrix October 17 2012, 21:10:29 UTC
Aw--wonderful moment and great perspective.


squidgiepdx October 18 2012, 00:24:23 UTC
Thanks! I could have used a few hundred more words, though!!! :)


camshaft22 October 18 2012, 01:43:39 UTC
I really think this is cute!

(Don't you realize it's always clwilson2006's fault? IT'S MIND CONTROL)


squidgiepdx October 18 2012, 03:45:17 UTC
Awww, thank you! It's exactly what popped in my head when I read the prompt. I'm just sad it was only 100 words 'cause I had so much more to write!

(And I think you're right!!! I don't remember how I got into Lorne/Parrish, but I know the very first story I wrote with both of them as actual characters was at her prompt! And I still want to write my Lorne/Florist Parrish AU that we started in someone's LJ as a round-robin...)


hoktauri October 18 2012, 03:22:37 UTC
Awwwwwwwww, *sqqquuueeeeeeeeee* this is adorable!!!!1!! What a perfect little thing. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


squidgiepdx October 18 2012, 03:49:40 UTC
EEEE!!!! ::hugs:: Thank you! After all, every new couple should be allowed to have a private little moment every now and again. :)


fififolle October 18 2012, 06:41:31 UTC
Aww! That's perfectly adorable. And I'm glad Radek has found someone to control him *g*


squidgiepdx October 18 2012, 14:52:16 UTC
Someone's gotta keep that cheeky Czech in line! :)



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