Fic: Connecting the Dots 1/19; AU; NC-17 (sex, language)

Mar 22, 2012 01:10

Title: Connecting the Dots: Prologue - 1/19 (completed)
Chapter Pairing: Evan/various, Jason (OMC)
Chapter Rating: NC-17
Chapter Word Count: 3378
Chapter Summary: How Evan arrives at the Stargate Program
Notes: Connecting the Dots is a look at Evan's journey throughout Stargate. Overall it's approximately 38,000 words, with chapter ratings mostly ( Read more... )

author: spacedogfl, pairings: lorne/other, rating: nc-17

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Comments 6

fififolle March 22 2012, 06:55:44 UTC
OMG! You're posting! Yay! Wow, I'm going to enjoy following this as a series. Such a great story.


spacedogfl March 23 2012, 04:19:41 UTC


clwilson2006 March 22 2012, 10:05:26 UTC
ohhhhh. how often ae you posting a chapter? I generaly like to wait until the end and read all in one go, but I have no will power today. *bites nails*


spacedogfl March 23 2012, 04:22:08 UTC
I don't have a schedule but I hope to have it all up by the end of the month. My goal is at least one part a day.


whytewytch4 March 22 2012, 14:50:43 UTC
Points to fififolle's comment. :D


spacedogfl March 23 2012, 04:22:50 UTC
Thanks for your help. :)


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