12 Days of Lorne: On the Second Day FIC: First Day 1/25 (John, Rodney, Lorne/Sheppard, PG)

Dec 15, 2010 08:47

Title: First Day
Author: Denyce
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: Sheppard, McKay Lorne/Sheppard (pre-slash this part)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,145
Summary: High School AU, John's first day.
Warnings: Un'beta'd, WIP
Disclaimer: Not mine; no infringement on any rights is intended. This is not for profit & is intended only for enjoyment.
Notes: Written for hs_bingo, slashing_lorne. My intention is to write a blackout of my bingo card in the same verse (Pegasus High School), with the main pairing throughout Lorne/Sheppard.

Xcross posted to: hs_bingo, slashing_lorne

First Day

12days challenge, 12days-03, author: denyce, pairings: lorne/sheppard

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