Fright Night Challenge & Open Invitation

Sep 15, 2010 10:48

All righty here's the official start date & rules...

To recap:

Who? Lorne any slash pairing
Where? Here, fic or art. Fics: as many as you'd like with a 500 word minimum Art: manips, wallpaper, 3 icon minimum.
When? Start today Sept 15, posting due Halloween weekend.
What? Themed fic Halloween and or art it’s only as limited as your imagination: from dark terror, haunting with ghosts, goblins, vampires, werewolves to comic silliness celebrating Halloween in Atlantis, to fluff and schmoopy kid fic anything goes if it lands in and around Halloween (abstract to literal).

No sign ups, but no posting until Oct 29th thru to midnight Oct 31st.

Open invitation to any and ALL Lorne communities, if you’d be interested and would like to join in on the challenge.. ie your comm. is Lorne/Ronon, or Lorne/Zelenka, invitation also includes het pairing comms. ((note: though the fic wouldn’t be posted here- though if any Lorne het comms run with the challenge, we’d love to know and to link your masterlist))

Those comms interested the rules stay the same as above, but tweak your focus to your particular pairing. Again for any Lorne slash comms, art, icons, gen, het Lorne comms I have no problem with writers posting your fic to your preferred pairing/comm then cross posting your fic/art here ((noted exception het see above)) as long as it’s within the due date. For me it’s all about creating sharing the Lorne love. Any comms that participate, please let me know as I’d like to keep track and possibly post/link to your masterlist.

It's all about having fun, ready? Set... GO!
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