Lorne Fest: Gen: Lorne and Various: Drabbles (PG)

Jul 12, 2010 16:48

Title: Summer Fest Drabbles

Author: clwilson2006

Rating: PG

Characters/Pairing: Gen: Lorne and Various others

Word Count: 2 x 100, 1 x 150

Warnings: None

Notes: Three (and a half) Gen drabbles for prompts at slashing_lorne summer of Lorne fest. Prompt listings at beginning of each drabble. No beta so if you spot anything horrible please let me know so I can correct it. Wanted to get on with the fun while waiting for beta work on my claimed prompt and since the rules say we don’t need to claim for drabbles, here I am.

Prompt - Lorne: Playing with Torren, being observed

Principles of Engineering

Torren claps his hands in glee as Evan adds another colored block to the stack.

“Six.” he tells the toddler, Torren’s huge brown eyes follow Evans hand as he reaches for another block where they are scattered on the floor between them.

“Seven” he says and adds it to the growing pile. Torren manages to grab a block of his own and stuffs it into his mouth.

“Maybe we’ll save that one for last.”

“Mama!” Torren squeals and Evan turns to see Teyla watching them. Evan laughs, sweeping his hand through the tower of blocks, tumbling them to the ground.

Prompt - Lorne: Usually Sheppard or McKay gets turned into something. Lorne never thought it would happen to him.

Sufficient Exercise

“He’s so cute.” Sheppard muses.

“Did you just call your XO cute?” McKay sneers

“He is!”

Lorne disagrees; he’s running tight circles in the box they put him in, tiny claws scratching at the cardboard. This sort of thing doesn’t happen to him!

A hand reaches into the box to pet him; Lorne spins and feels a disproportionate amount of pleasure when he sinks his teeth into the nearest finger.

“Ow!” McKay yells. “I’m going to squash your tiny hamster ass for that, Major.”

Lorne doesn’t care; he smiles to himself and goes back to running laps around the box.

Prompt - Lorne: Used to be a gymnast and uses those talents to the shock of others.

Bend over backwards (150)

“You have got to be kidding me!”

But they’re not kidding and after three days of negotiations it comes down to a circus act.

Lorne sighs and shrugs out of his tac vest followed by his jacket, thigh holster and boots. It’s been a while but the gap is easily four feet and he’s done better than that.

He runs through a series of stretching exercises, then stands and approaches the set-up of wooden poles.

Lorne sucks in a breath, flexes his knees and bends his body backwards at an obscene angle. He shuffles his way in a shaky limbo under the bar and the crowd cheers.

Evan turns to face the rest of the negotiating team; they’re staring at him in shock, the marines with slight grins on their faces. Teyla finally graces him with a smile, and hands him his boots.

“Used to be a gymnast.” He shrugs.

author: clwilson2006, lornefest-02

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