Lorne pic spam-a few of my fav pairings

Dec 25, 2009 10:43

~~Merry Christmas~~

Sadly my muse isn't exactly corporation, though I actually have a few snips in progress. Problem is I’m not feeling great though last night I discovered why, I have kidney stones. So depending on how I'm feeling later, if I can concentrate to write, I will try and finish/post at least one snip un'beta'd. If I don't get it posted today, I will push to them posted before the New Year :)

I want to thank everyone who participated to share a little holiday Lorne ♥ I can only hope that when you have the opportunity you take the time to peruse the various offerings and send a little fb/thanks to those who shared. Again thank you!!

To an awesome group, I hope everyone has wonderful Lorne filled Holiday :)

12days challenge, 12days-02, pic spam

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