12 days of Lorne - Day 3 - A Few Story Recs

Dec 16, 2008 16:33

I thought this holiday season, it might be nice to go back and look at some older stories most of which were written before Evan's first name was known. Back then, the slash community used Nick as the fanonical first name for Lorne while the het community prefered Marcus; some fans, of course, just did their own thing and some didn't use a first ( Read more... )

12days challenge, fic recs, 12days-01

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Comments 1

denyce December 17 2008, 06:35:17 UTC
I'm kinda amazed on how much fic I missed... back then I was knee deep into SGA, but definitely more on the McShep side of things. I guess I really have to catch up, even if reading the name Nick or Marcus throws me off a pinch--might have to keep a picture near by ;)

Again thank you!!

Oh & happy the dates confusion untangled itself.


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