
Nov 01, 2014 11:33

Morning at least it’s still morning here ;)

Its day one, Nov 1, time for mini_Lorne_wrimo \o/

Parts c/p from mini_wrimo
COMMENT TO THIS POST Make a comment to this post with your word commitment. Minimum commitment is 30 words a day, every day, for 30 days. There is no max, but try to keep it real.

Unlike mini_wrimo here you don’t have to post in the subject line. So when commenting in weekly check-ins please post, using the following format:
On Nov 1st
Sign Up: [username], [word count]

Example: Sign Up: Denyce, 100
After Nov 1st with check-ins:
Check-in 1, your name, daily word count, weekly total
Example: Check in 1, Denyce, 1: 105, 2: 108, 3: 218, 4: 222, 5: 319, 6: 187, 7: 112 WT: 1271

We’ll do weekly check-ins - you can respond at any time over the weekend once I post on Saturday. If you need or want a daily accountablity, let me know, and maybe we can touch base & cheer each other on privately
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