Twelve Days of Lorne! Posting Schedule 2013

Nov 10, 2013 08:02

Thanks to rubygirl29 for kicking us off for another Twelve Days of Lorne! I'll update this posting schedule as we go along, I'll disable comments here to avoid confusion, please SIGN UP HERE and ask any questions and such there too. If you want to change your day (or want to swap for my day!) no problem, shout out on the sign up post and I'll sort it :)

Day 1 - 14th Dec - melagan
Day 2 - 15th Dec - yarnandtea
Day 3 - 16th Dec - clwilson2006 & calcitrix
Day 4 - 17th Dec - lilyleia78
Day 5 - 18th Dec - eriah211
Day 6 - 19th Dec - sexycazzy
Day 7 - 20th Dec - bethynyc
Day 8 - 21st Dec - squidgiepdx
Day 9 - 22nd Dec - fififolle
Day 10 - 23rd Dec - rubygirl29 & mandykaysfic
Day 11 - 24th Dec - cimmerdeux
Day 12 - 25th Dec - neevebrody

You guys are incredible! Nearly filled the schedule in in just over 12 hours!! At this rate we might even should definitely take double sign ups :D You can never have too much Lorne love <3

12days challenge, 12days-06

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