Header Challenge

Nov 03, 2012 21:08

Hello fellow Lorne Fans!

Firstly - I do hope you are steaming along with your Major Bang! putting those finishing touches to your fic - or thinking about your art. I can't wait!

Secondly - Is anyone doing NaNo? Are you including Lorne in your NaNo? Please share with us if you are!

Thirdly - A Challenge. To create a new header for the comm.

1. Header MUST be 800 wide, can be any height, but 800 wide will fit with the current layout, HTML/CSS and I are not friendly enough that I can work with another size.
2. Header MUST feature comm name slashing_Lorne
4. It would also be a good idea if the header featured Lorne in some way - but you don't have to!
Can include anything you want, can be hand drawn, or graphics or a manip - can even be animated if you want.

Submit your entries to this post, by commenting with a link to your header. Comments are screened.

on Dec 1st I'll change the header to one selected at random, and the header will change every month - depending on how many entries we get - until everyone's header has been seen - and then we may well do this all again!

Go forth and create!

header challenge, mod

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