Wish Lists

Nov 30, 2011 08:58

Okay here's where you post your wish list - all comments are screened. As the wishes are posted I will collect and post them in a separate public post (tonight). So granters can get started ASAP.

You do not have to post a wish list in order to grant a wish.
You do not have to commit to fulfill a wish in order to post a wish list
You do not have to claim a wish to fulfill it.

All wishes should be posted any time during the 12 Days of Lorne

Please note not all wishes will be granted, this is not a reflection on you or the wish, but rather a gifters time and or inspiration.

The opportunity to post a wish list will remain open until Dec 15

How many wishes can I make - Let's cap it at 12 =)
What can I wish for - anything Lorne/Kavan media related: art, icons, recs, vids, graphics, fic (a particular pairing/prompt) how it relates to Lorne is up to the wisher ie: stock icons on art supplies, a sketch of Kavan… Since the wishes are screened if I have a problem or question on your wish, I’ll let you know.

Alright start writing your list and checking 'em twice then comment here =)
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