My newest Christmas present (yes, late, I know, but well -- extenuating circumstances) is fantastic! I took a couple snippets (or thirty) from it just to show you all
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These are from April's cookbook aren't they? You know that Margera family poster? My nephew, who's now on the way to being 10, has always been convinced that's V's family. The poster's been on my kitchen wall since the day I got the book.
I love these and Bam especially. I'm so glad I'd never have to tell him no about anything.
Sweetie, not to ruin your day or anything but you can't claim credit unless you've taken the pics yourself. You can claim credit for the scanning though although I do have a feeling that is also forbidden. :( Copyright is a pain.
Lol well I hope that nobody does and if they do they don't point back at you for scanning them because copying things from books and distributing them on the internet is illegal. (Look at the trouble Google is in for it) I know everybody does it but that doesn't make it any more legal. Again, not trying to be bitchy, just saying how it is and hoping you don't get in trouble for it some day. But I'm sure you know all that. :)
Comments 20
I love these and Bam especially. I'm so glad I'd never have to tell him no about anything.
Hahaha, it's beautiful, right? Love them.
Yes! That's why the boy must have children. They will be the cutest kids EVER.
so adorable!!!!
just what i needed before going to work!
I definitely will. Gotta tweak them a little, but I will. :)
The pics are cute though *pets him*
They're more than welcome to buy the book and take them, right? No need to steal them from me...
*smiles* Aren't they? I'm thinking of taking that last one and making it my header.
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