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Player: Kaze
Join Date: May 14th 2010
Card Count: ~948
mastered » 400 cards in 20 decks
signatures » 05
collecting decks » 75Geika ✩ 18/20
Coffee ✩ 14/20
Maou ✩ 14/20Objection ✩ 13/20
✩ OTP - Deck ✩
Writer (09/20) and Bad Luck (07/20)
future decks » 22
far future decks » 92
(tradable for currents)
trading decks » too many to count, take 'em off me!
RelocatedCrayonsPending Trades // 02
coding →
February 23rd:
Traded: softball16 for goggles20 with konimi, traded spandex02/17 for bell10 and airyglyph07 with lacie, traded hiwa02, sigmund04 and bloodyrose17 for partner19, airyglyph04 and airyglyph20 with ouji_tan, wind07 for japan11 with lucathia_rykatu, burgers14 for bell12 with animepam, sigmund04 and dance16 for believe08 and bell12 with chikky2k5, believe01 and shujin19 for badluck06 and burgers19 with 00zags, wakening06 for future20 with ratiosu, sigmund04 for writer17 with algorithmondo, buusagi15 and vigilante07 for kitten03 and burgers20 with fire_senshi
Received worry11, butler10, bluemoon08, tiger08, grafeisen12, arrogant14, rush02, kiyohime17, gemini17, keyboard06, detective20, science15, karate16, yellow and purple crayon as Modpay, won yggdrasil15 from Pick a Color14, won swimming08, emperor11 and gemini05 from Conan's Clues 28, feathers18 and after19 from Host Club 15, won aimo03 and cain03 from Ryoga's Directions 14, won androgynous02 from Costume Party 26, won dragon20 and bandages11 from Host Club 16, won jewel01, third05 and positive20 from Pick a Color 15, won wizard12, negi19, avenge13 and summoner08 from Pick a Color 16, traded in two yellow crayons for two sigmund04,
claimed from January release: future01, zanarkand08, mature01, animajor01, shy11, submissive01, blueeyes08, redeyes03
special card: wakening06
January 21st:
Claimed turkey05, technician11, crybaby04, sagittarius10, catcher13, cake01, vigilante17 and messiah10, trailblazer06 from the January Release, received cyborg20, gunsmoker17, eleven03, spandex02, pron03, dancer04, negi15, data07, russia14, maxter19, trigger20 and yellow crayon from Modpay, ragnarok10, bravior07, wind07, curry06 and a green crayon from Beauty Pageant 16, occult15, survivor06, dna13, kid12, leader04, christmas04, mako07, popular07, supporter11, itadakimasu17, cybele19, kimono05, spandex12, burgers15, sigmund04, sexta04, cello03, misfortune19, lacytanga07 and brown crayon for Deckmaking, meganekko03, sensei13 and green crayon from Host Club 14, crusnik01 and wisewolf11 from Advent Calendar Day 09, cake19 and yellow crayon from Advent Calendar Day 19, donated acepilot01 and 15 as well as oblivious 04, 11, 13, 14, 17 and 20 to the Asobot Initiative, won sos07 from Pick a Color 13, won free11, tattoo04 and southitaly16 from Seiyuu Guess 23, won vigilante07 and hiwa02 from Shadow Watching 21
Traded: turkey05 for objection16 with shinshi, technician11 for badluck03 with flag, crybaby04 for maou01 with moon_wolfwriter, sagittarius10 for objection04 with bass, catcher13 and cake01 for geika13 and writer06 with tsubon, vigilante17 and messia10 for objection11 and coffee09 with staticphrase, ariadoney14, arrogant13 and galaxy06 for leader20, bell02 and kitten16 with staticphrase, trailblazer06 for traveler02 with ratiosu, troy20 for maou15 with perarduaadast, sensei13 for burgers06 with mongoosehwrs, noble04 for airyglyph17 with lalachoy, knife19 and homophobe19 for airyglyph15 and partner06, sommelier06 for bell18 with disko99dolly, ratsbane14 for burgers14 with taminas, theend09 and trance19 for badluck05 and badluck09 with sine_sapienti, blaster20 and violence18 for burgers14 and england11 with stopping, steak09 for capture09 with shinshi
January 5th:
Received sukonbu12, christmas05 and twinstar16 from Advent Calendar Day 25, received violence13, bride12, wild12, turtle08 from Coloring Book 2, received yellow crayon from Coloring Book 1, received titania12 and nagi17 from Advent Calendar Day 15, received kagutsuchi07 and troy20 from Advent Calendar Day 22, won leo08 from Shadow Watching 18, donated klutz13 and question17 to Crazy Colors 13 and received trance10, chaos08, b-rabbit15 and knightmare03, mastered DNA and received nameless19, skateboard17, geika05 and orange crayon, received patch07, sadist01 and esper09 from Advent Calendar Day, won leo18, scorpio12, fullmetal06, skyking03, 66603, channel05, nagi02, seth13 and theend09 from Lottery 04, got kitten02 gifted from lucathia_rykatu, received dullahan10 and knife19 for voting on Murasaki-dono, gifted racoon20 to lucathia_rykatu, won moe12 from Go Fish 30, received ice06, geika16 and pharaoh13 from Advent Calendar Day 21, received shadow05, hahi08 and meganes01 from Advent Calendar Day 14, claimed goggles19, coffee17 and rival04 from Recycled Art, claimed badluck08 from Advent Calendar Day 08, claimed badluck07 from Advent Calendar Day 07, claimed raccoon20 from Advent Calendar Day 02
Traded: guilt07 for coffee17 with ouji_tan, rose20 for zearth06 with 00zags, leo08 for writer04 with spinningstyle, devoted03 and wisdom09 for burgers17 and capture05 with moon_wolfwriter, marimo10 for writer14 with stillarium, miko15 for russia13 with konimi
December 27th:
Donated glass02 and rebel19 to Crazy Colors 12 and received eccentric05, tiny01, vermouth04, skypirate07, virgo19 and guilt07, won inside20 and sommelier06 from Host Club 13, won strip04, taciturn09, nyan15, sos15 and cool15 from Pick a Color 12, bought 5 Lottery 04 tix with doll07, doll08, doll18, doll18 and jealousy01, claimed claiming dna12 and geika04 from Advent Calendar 24, zearth03 from Advent Calendar 23, claimed geika20 from Advent Calendar 20, geika18 from Advent Calendar 18, badluck16 from Advent Calendar 16, burgers02 from Advent Calender 13, burgers11 from Advent Calender11, coffee10 from Advent Calender 10
Traded: drugs13, drugs20 and un-sorcerer15 for snowboard11, snowboard14 and xiii18 with mirajane
December 23rd:
Contributed a green crayon to Coloring Book and received gankutsuou09, wine20, devoted03 and aries05, got eyepatch01 and locket08 from Shadow Watching With Shikamaru 16, gankutsuou02 and mini01 from Crosswords 13, received Modpay: miko15, ragnell06, novelist11, jo-ajna09, coroner06, bass05, circus14, morning18, cain19, dynames13, buusagi15, answer13, doll08, endless18, homophobe19, grapes19, blue crayon and brown crayon, claimed dna17 from Adventcalender Day 17
Traded: squats18 for maou04 with phonyu, prussia15 for snowboard09, hairclips11 and hairclips13 for knowledge03 and xiii02 with farsketched, council19 and 20 for warrior11 and airyglyph20 with konimi, tiger16 for warrior14 with chuukoku, hope11 for geika04 with kirkland, zero08 and junk20 for japan06 and coffe06 with aelyria, council03 for knowledge05 with konimi, persocom01 and wind15 for airyglyph13 and geika16 with dropsofviolet, dullahan03 for maou18 with 00zags, five03 and ribbon17 for maou20 and warrior09 with mongoosehwrs, library15 and ronin03 for bell09 and drill12 with lorelessmoon
December 11th:
Received hyakkiyakou10, tiger16, acepilot15 and formal06 from Beauty Peagant 14, received windom16 and 6619 from Seiyuu Guess 19, bluemoon19, zearth15 and fade12 from Pick a Color 11
Traded: gakuen02 for writer10 with wet, servant09 for maou13 with lacie, objection07 for eroge18 with lacie, northitaly13 for dna08 with flag, hikari18 and koori20 for goggles10 and russia07 with mongossehwrs, libra20 for geika02 with spinningstyle, stripes02 for believe10 with shinshi, beli05 for capture17 with moonherb, yami10 for maou11 with chuukoku, pal14, science16, drums14 for writer19, geika07 and geika08 with moonka, directions01 for kitten11 with wandercrest, sweden17 for goggles12 with disko99dolly, cabbage17, castle07, council11, kid01 for geika11, capture10, england20 and warrior06 with sparkism, christmas07 for capture12 with firemelon, aimo05 and gamble10 for geika10 and geika15 with harloqueen, pudding19 for warrior02 with maya_chu, clow02 and excluded18 for geika14 and zearth02 with moon_wolfwriter
December 7th:
Received: berserker07, softball18, hyakkiyakou20, steak05, locket20, dullahan03, blaster20, hyakkiyakou04, drums14, eroge18, hyperion02, starfish03, dancer13, moon13, brat06, courage20, candy17, kalina14, hikari18, logic16, castle07, mini10, delinquent14, ragnell13, kind01, secret17 and two purple crayons for making 26 Decks. got cello11, record15, leader17, klutz13, loyalty13, bluemoon15, a gray crayon and a red crayon for donating deck images, got novel02 and russia09 from Advent Calender Day 06 , claimed peace08, servant09, sweden17, stripes02, yami10, pudding19, xiii01, knowledge01, clow02 and christmas07 from the December Release
Traded: keyblade05 for objectoin03 with moonherb, sympathy03, alias10, data05 and data11 for coffee08, coffee15, capture06 and capture13 with floorybitch, peace08 for knowledge02 with ratiosu, waitress10 for dna16 with sleevetug, tattoo11 and violence01 for airyglyph01 and dna18 with conversated, sympathy10 for japan09 with crisps, maid18 for airyglyph18 with arushiraoi, novel06 for capture07 with angel_of_faith, prussia08 for maou16 with tamaryokucha
December 5th:
Contributed drugs01 to Crazy Colors 09 and got bell16 and wolf12, received howl12, bear15, koori20, dna04 and red crayon for leveling up to Strawberry, received zearth17, excluded18 and green crayon for turning in a sketchpad
Traded: england02 for writer15 with stillarium, meister09 and zangetsu19 for coffee18 and goggles07 with mirajane, knightmare16 for dance16 with stillarium
December 4th:
Won gakuen02, brush05 and heart12 from Seiyuu Guess 18, received pal14, prussia08, zura12, bandages07, takoyaki08, skateboard14, meister09, order07, translator15, bride16, airyglyph19, sorry17 and green crayon as Modpay, claimed bell01 and dna03 from Adventcalendar 01 and 03
Traded: library03 and julia01 for geika03 and logic17 with angel_of_faith, flash01/06/15 and saiko01 for badluck15, burgers12, kitten10 and snowboard02 with 00zags, sympathy14 for snowboard13 with chikky2k5, dance16 for bad luck 04 with stillarium