Send us your fandom New Year's resolutions!

Dec 09, 2011 12:21

What's YOUR New Year's resolution for fandom? Are you hoping to write a certain number of words of fic next year, or learn a new art technique, or make it to a con? Or maybe you want to resolve to leave more comments on other fans' work, or to write that BDSM fic you've had in your head for so long?

We want to hear them, so we're collecting fandom New Year's resolutions to include in our January 1 episode! We want to include as many of these in the next episode as we can, so please contribute one of your own.

There are TWO ways you can contribute a New Year's resolution:

1. Record yourself using your phone or your computer and email the sound file to us at All you have to say is, "I'm [your fandom name, LJ name, etc.] and my New Year's resolution is _______." The file should be under 1 minute in length, and it can be recorded in any format.

2. If you can't (or don't want to) record your own voice, you can leave your resolution as a comment on this post, and we'll find someone to read it for you. Comments on this post will be SCREENED to keep the resolutions a surprise until January 1. :-D

Either way, we need to have them by December 21 to include them in the episode. If you have a question about how to record your resolution, just ask it here and we'll answer.

organization, nyr

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