Title: Reality Check
Author: slashburd
Pairing: Shawter
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I do not know of any of this to be true, I don’t know or own these people (but I'd secretly love to!).
Summary: Written after the segment on Raw tonight that bent my brain. Not sure if it made me feel better but it didn't make me feel any worse!!
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Comments 15
Loved it my dear Lava, very like everything you write, it is gold.
I know it's not real but it was just so sad and so well done. You're right about the muses that attack when they feel like it - mine gave me no choice :D Thank you for reading it though and I'm glad you enjoyed it <333
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*pets the lovely boys* I hope they can reconcile their differences to end the streak. *crosses fingers*
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If he doesn't win I'm going to fly to Atlanta and slap Taker in his miserable face myself! If they pull a swerve where Shawn costs H the belt I think I'll just implode into an angry ball of flames!! My fragile Shawter fangirl heart can't deal with all this lol
(that said, I'm a definite +1 on Shawn screwing Taker over. This match hasn't been made no DQ for nothing. I'm predicting epic swervage and lots of blood now lol)
It's good. All types of good, really. No one really gets them like you do, and every little moment here shows it. They're friends, they're partners, they're everything and something like last night must've hit every single part of that. The "You can't do it" killed me like very few things do now, and like you said last night, it's those moments that make me want to stand up and weep in front of people that it's still real to me dammit.
God this was beautiful.
It's not as if they don't have some history of turning on one another. It's highly likely that the streak will continue but I just love seeing them together so much that it stung to see them so 'not them' I suppose :S
And you know how immensely flattered I am by what you said about me 'getting' it and that it was beautiful *blushes furiously*. I do my best to get them down believably and if I acheive that then my work here is done <333 Now all my broken fangirl heart has to do is get through Sunday. Wish me luck!
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