Latest meme on the go - stolen from too many to mention!
Top Twelve Wrestlers & Questions
1. John Cena
2. Triple H
3. Shawn Michaels
4. Colt Cabana
5. Christian
6. Ted Dibiase Jr
7. Kenny Omega
8. Jack Swagger
9. Daniel Bryan
10. Desmond Wolfe
11. AJ Styles
12. Brutus Magnus
Questions and mental answers thisaway )
Comments 4
And yes. There is a definite need for some more Bryan fic.
10) Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve Hurt/Comfort fic. Kenny Omega/Brutus Magnus
Had you, Ken. <<
And I'm not sure I'd recommend anyone really steal this. It was more of a pain in the ass to do than a pleasure but obviously once I'd picked my list I had to see it through.
I know I did one similar but it was with slightly different names. Really, if you get bored enough I'd probably recommend that you go and watch something on YouTube instead - that's gotta be more fun lol
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