Slasha 2006 Begins

Sep 20, 2006 21:05

Hey all,

We are starting sign ups for slashababy for this Christmas. The requirements are the same as previous years. This is a lotrips story exchange. All fics should be at least 1 000 words in length. We're trying to make sure that somebody doesn't write 10 pages of fic to only get a drabble in return.

+ Sign ups start from today and end on 20 October 21 October.
+ Pairings will go out by 30 October.
+ The deadline for all fics is for 10 December.
+ Fics will be posted on 25 December in time for Christmas.
+ Authors will be revealed on 31 December in time for New Years' Day.

Leave a comment to this post with the following information if you are interested in signing up:

LJ username:
Fic archive:
Email: ( email addresses will not be accepted as it is difficult to get ahold of people if LJ decides to go tweaky on us.)
Requested Pairing(s):
Requested Genre: (i.e. fluff/smut/angst etc. What kind of story are you looking for with the pairing?)
Pairing(s) you absolutely will not write:

For your convenience, just copy paste the information inside the form and leave it as a comment to this post.

LJ username:
Fic archive:
Requested Pairing(s):
Requested Genre:
Pairing(s) you absolutely will not write:

Further information on fic submissions will be forthcoming.

Please friend slashababy for further updates as all updates will be posted in the community.

Happy slashing!

msilverstar & yueni

EDIT [20 October 2006, 10:08pm PST]: Sign ups have been extended to midnight 21 October (PST, or GMT -8)

2006, admin

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