"Undertow" for dizzydame - Lotrips SlashaBaby 2012

Dec 30, 2012 13:30

Title: Undertow
Recipient: dizzydame
Author: carribbe
Pairing: Billy/Dom
Rating: NC 17
Summary: A reunion, a change in circumstances, a sprinkle of jealousy, and a willingness to accept the chance to love each other again. Slight future fic - Los Angeles, USA - early summer, 2014.

Dom met Billy's eyes from across the room as he took another sip from his own newly secured glass of scotch. He had stepped away to buy another drink a few minutes earlier, but making his way back to him was proving to be a determination contest. Mission nearly accomplished, he fixed his eyes on Billy and smiled before starting to work his way through the seemingly endless stream of people migrating through the large room.

"Dom!" came yet another voice from somewhere nearby just as he started moving again.

He wanted to ignore the additional interference, but was forced to stop anyway when his path was blocked by a new and persistent voice.

"Dominic," a large, square shouldered man repeated, as he stepped in front of him.

Halted in his tracks and hoping the increased level of irritation was not also showing on his face he looked up at the man standing fully in front of him and extending his hand for a shake. Dom studied him then, eyes squinting in concentration, as he extended his own hand in return. He was usually quite good at remembering people's names, but he was not getting immediate feedback from his own memory to help him place this individual. While he admitted to himself the man did look familiar, he could not recall where or when he may have met him on previous occasions. He was also not especially interested in remembering at the moment, but this evening had already begun with more than one unexpected encounter. "And it's still early," Dom thought to himself.

"Ramone," the man offered, interpreting some of the confusion he saw on Dom's face. "I met you at a studio party last year," he offered in explanation. "When I saw you here this evening I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you how much I admire and enjoy your work. It's a pleasure to follow your career," he added. "You have a diversity that's hard to find in most younger actors."

"Thank you," Dom replied, surprised at the series of compliments, but already feeling somehow uncomfortable with the lingering touch of the man's handshake. Dark eyes flitted between his face and chest and back again as he talked, leaving Dom with a distinct feeling of being seen beneath his clothing.

"I've always appreciated the way you look off screen as well as on," he added with a definitive, underlying interest. "The camera always captures you well, but it still falls short of your personal presence."

Dom blinked at the man several times before breaking his handshake.

"Thank you, I guess," Dom said, "but I wasn't aware my camera presence had such an impact as all that."

He returned the man's gaze without hesitation this time, understanding now that this was a moment of decision of sorts, and it would be necessary to convey that he wasn't interested in further interaction.

The other man smiled as though accepting of the challenge, shifting his weight from one leg to the other as he lingered in front of him.

"Oh yes," Ramone said slowly, his eyes roaming appreciatively back and forth once again. "I would say you're quite, ummm - noticeable - in many ways."

The man then leveled his gaze at him with confidence, a long silence developing between them as each man analyzed the other.

"It would seem you're very free with your compliments, Ramone," Dom said eventually, his jaw twitching with barely controlled frustration.

The two men continued to stare at each other for several moments, but when Dom did not smile or attempt to continue the conversation, Ramone nodded in acquiescence and stepped aside.

"I appreciate that you enjoy my work," Dom added before moving away. "Hopefully that will continue, but if you'll excuse me right now, I really must be going."

Billy's arms were folded firmly in front of him, eyebrows pinched in concern as he watched Dom striding toward him. He had not been able to hear their conversation, but he knew Dom well enough to discern that although he was not exactly angry, he was definitely full blown irritated. He didn't like the general demeanor of the fellow talking to Dom, and despite not knowing what had been said, he somehow also knew he didn't approve of anything the other man had to say.

"What was that all about?" Billy asked as Dom arrived at his side.

Dominic examined Billy's face before responding, an unmistakeable edge noticeable in his simple question.

"Nothing," Dom said, attempting to brush off the question.

"Bullshit," Billy replied, none too casually. "You don't look like that if 'nothing' is going on."

Dom sighed in submission to Billy's insight before replying.

"He was admiring my camera presence," Dom answered, feeling a little embarrassed now. "I think he was going to suggest I arrange for a very personal and private experience just for him," he finished.

Billy remained quiet as he seemed to consider the explanation, but when he looked toward where they had been standing, he saw Ramone cast one last backward glance in their direction before turning and walking away. The whole scenario quite irritated him, and he frowned again as his eyes followed the would-be suitor around the corner and out of site.

Typically Dominic would have made some sort of additional joke at this point, but something in Billy's demeanor this night left him less confident and unsettled. Billy was obviously displeased, leaving Dom also mildly apprehensive. He had sensed at first sight tonight that Billy had something in mind that felt removed from their typical and intermittent encounters of recent times. As they had posed for photos earlier in the hotel foyer, their arms casually encircling each other, the tips of Billy's fingers had felt warm and confident where they slid between the hem of his shirt and jeans, concealed from anyone else beneath his suit jacket. Dom had not been surprised by the intimacy of the touch, but Billy typically reserved such things for much more private moments. Touching him so purposefully while cameras were trained on them from multiple angles suggested it to be a much more overt statement, the remainder of which lay yet concealed, even from him.

"Bastard," Billy let slip beneath his breath.

Genuinely amused now, Dom smiled as Billy looked at him as he searched for affirmation.

"Oh, maybe," Dom shrugged as he responded, "but you can't blame a guy for trying, I guess."

"Hell I can't," Billy scoffed, scowling noticeably. He appeared about to say more, but stopped himself just short of voicing his next thought.

Billy looked at him in return then, a slight frown still creasing his forehead. While it was certainly true that Billy was a damn good actor, he was actually poor at concealing his emotions while playing himself. The idea to hide his feelings simply never occurred to him, and Dom felt his stomach flip in familiar fashion as he recognized what he saw there.

Dom remained quiet then as the impact washed through him from an immensely different sort of appraisal. Simple and earnest, Billy's eyes softened where they lingered along the curve of his upper lip, a particular memory igniting itself from the far recesses of his mind. Only the two of them knew and understood what they had shared all those years ago. Neither had wanted more at the time, and both had moved on to other relationships when their time together had come to an end - except that nothing had ever truly extinguished, not emotionally anyway, for either of them.

"Be sure to finish your drink," Billy suggested, the barest hint of something more lingering there. "I'm thinking you may need it."

The lights of LA twinkled in assorted colors from one side of the night time horizon to the other as Billy stepped out on the private balcony in search of Dom. He found him standing near the rail and totally absorbed in the sight and sound of the ocean surf where it crashed against the black rocks below, the roar of tons of water drowning out most of the traffic noise at this time of night. He appeared entrapped in all he saw there, making Billy chuckle at Dominic's eternal, childlike fascination with all things wild and natural. It was one of those personal traits that remained constant, and one of the things about him that could always make Billy smile.

"Have you identified any new species yet?" Billy asked, ultimately unsuccessful in hiding his underlying amusement. "I should think those special night time goggles I gave you last year would have enabled you to find something previously unidentified by now."

Dom turned and looked at him as though just noticing he had arrived, something that in all actuality was probably true.

"I thought I saw something a moment ago," he said, before returning his eyes to the water, but I think it must have been a seal. It's gone now."

"Ummmm," Billy replied, listening, but maintaining his eyes on Dom as he talked about what he thought he had seen.

"Kind of odd it was out here by itself though," he finished, seemingly in after thought.

When no further comment was forthcoming, Dom looked to find Billy smiling at him, looking only at him and paying no attention to the surf or the nearby shoreline.

"Oh yes," Billy agreed without hesitation, "there are plenty of beautiful things out here. One just has to know where to look to see them properly."

His breath caught in his chest as Dom found himself once again in the cross hairs of Billy's libido. Although well acquainted with that type of attention, it had been years since he had been this closely aligned with the full throttle experience. Whenever Billy was in the mood for pursuit, it was virtually impossible not to dissolve beneath the intensity of the experience, and Billy knew him so well that it was also not possible for Dom to feign his emotions or disguise his own responses. If Billy had indeed set his sights on having him again, he knew he was already well entangled in a web of very early foreplay. Billy had an ability to tap his sensuality from across the room or over the course of several hours if he was feeling particularly deviant. Eventual pay off would culminate in a sexual exchange almost too powerful to endure, leaving him weak, sated, and shaking in Billy's arms. As Billy drew ever more near to slide both arms around his waist, he sighed as his heart began to beat a little faster in anticipation, wanting and needing all that he knew Billy could give him.

"Why?" he asked, ever so softly, as Billy moved closer. "Why now, Billy?"

" 'Cause I can," Billy answered hurriedly, shushing him as he brushed his lips against a day's growth of stubble along his jawline, "and because I still want you," he added. "I'm a right selfish bastard that way."

"But what about," Dom tried again.

"Alison and I have decided to go different ways," Billy finished for him without waiting for the full question. "We both knew it was best that way."

Billy felt Dom slacken against him then, relieved that he was not being asked to choose between him and his own fierce convictions of fidelity. Billy knew Dom would be painfully conflicted if he didn't understand the change in circumstances. He had planned to explain many things to him earlier this evening before his own personal interest could kick in. Unexpectedly encountering someone else with similar ideas had accelerated Billy's plans, and knowing he had only so much time to help Dom understand, had also forced his own personal agenda to the surface.

"Dominic," Billy said softly. "You know I wouldn't"...

"I know," Dom interrupted, unable to stop himself. "I know, I know," he repeated, as though trying to reassure himself.

Billy focused once again on the familiar, gentle curve of his lips, so close, so soft and expressive each time they had kissed that he had never forgotten the delicious sensation of melding them against his own. Choosing a favorite spot, Billy placed a new kiss there, and caught him easily as Dom fell deeper into his arms, receptive and eager for more.

Minutes passed as they stood kissing and clinging to each other on the balcony, the night sky hiding their secrets and protecting them from prying eyes and the rest of the world. Neither wanted to rush as they reacquainted themselves with each other in this way, the knowledge they both could have anything desired unspoken but understood between them.

"Dominic," Billy soothed, feeling the tremble in his limbs as they held each other. "Dommie," he chided, rubbing his back and shoulders before continuing. "You don't want to give a old man a heart attack, do ya?"

Dom snickered against Billy's shirt collar before replying, "You, sir, know damn well I'll be the one in danger then. You could kill me either way," he mused, nuzzling his face into Billy's neck. "I'll die if you stop, Billy, but I'm just as done for if you keep going."

Billy smiled at that, hearing the raw honesty that underscored everything as usual, his simple openness making him at once vulnerable as well as irresistible.

"Ummmm, alright, let me help then," Billy said, as he slid one hand lower to hold the curve of Dom's arse.

Dom pressed instinctively closer, his warm mouth searching out Billy and eager for more as he slid his tongue inside to stroke him in the way he needed, calming him before things could explode too quickly between them. Now back in Billy's arms, he was unable to forestall what was inevitable, his cock grown full and rigid where he pressed against him.

"Billy," Dom whispered, lips barely parted, desperate but resigned to what he knew was unfolding.

"It's ok," Billy returned, skillful fingers loosening his belt before sliding inside, and not at all surprised to find immediately bare skin waiting for him there.

"You still don't wear enough clothes," Billy chided, his careful fingers encircling and stroking the head of his cock. "You make all of this even easier," he added, moving to kiss Dom's exposed neckline.

Confident they couldn't be seen, but wanting to make sure, Billy walked him gently backward, urging him against the wall to shield him from any possible accidental view. Even after so much time he knew Dom would be unable to suppress himself much longer, and he intended to protect him until they could move safely inside.

"Damn, Billy," Dom gasped, arching his back and beginning to pant as he pushed harder against Billy, his hips rocking as he did so, his mind at once fumbling for explanation and giving up almost simultaneously. He knew all of the answers well enough already, understood that Billy held the power to undo him without exception no matter where they were and despite the passage of time or additional destiny.

" 's ok," Billy soothed, caressing him. "Don't think for one moment I didn't know all of this," he added, smiling at Dom. "I knew we would have to take the edge off just to slow you down some."
Dom forced his eyes open at that moment to see Billy watching him, patience and acceptance abundantly clear in his expression. His heart had begun to pound in his chest even before Billy began stroking each side of him, holding and cupping every part, re-exploring each fold and remembered curve as he worked him toward coming undone.

"Billy, Billy," Dom could only manage to repeat, losing himself in the waves of tension that were building beneath his careful touch. "Billy," he tried again, as Billy brought his mouth to his to hold and comfort him there.

He succumbed to it all then, knowing he would be brought to his knees at Billy's hands, a mere prelude to what would follow when they moved back inside. He knew that once there Billy would have him in a proper bed in short order, naked, submissive, and begging to be properly fucked. He knew also that Billy would destroy his composure as he climbed inside of him, tender yet forceful, and rather traditionally dominant. Billy always knew exactly what he wanted, and Dom was willing to submit and give it to him. Sex with Billy had always left him happily shattered and wondering how he had managed to function prior to each encounter. It was a place he had gone repeatedly in the past, and tonight he was learning it was still something he would be willing to do all over again.

Lost in the current of sensation and caught in the heavy undertow of thought and emotion overwhelming him, he struggled to widen his stance, allowing Billy to reach all of him more easily. Billy complied by running his hand across tender skin, pausing and touching, his thumb tucking itself ever deeper toward an eventual goal.

"God, you're molesting me," Dom managed to gasp, "and I'm letting you. Fuck, Billy," he continued, tossing his head back and staring momentarily at the night sky. How the hell do you do it time after time?"

"You volunteer," Billy answered without apparent thought. It isn't hard," he smiled through his kisses. "You make things very easy just by being you," he said, cradling the back of Dom's head with his free hand.

"You're saying I'm a slut, are you?" Dom retorted, feigning irritation, his own hand landing on top of Billy's before urging him closer.

"Sort of - you can be anyway," Billy countered, dragging his lips down Dom's neck, "but I do prefer you that way, and as long as you're my slut, I can work with it."

Dom chuckled as he struggled to hold on to the sensation that was gathering near the base of his cock. Still, he wanted to surprise Billy with an idea, but he was torn between Billy's typical accuracy and his own galloping need.

"Billy," Dom gasped, grabbing for his head with both hands. "Billy, listen to me. I want something," he whispered harshly.

Billy looked at him then, interested but riding his own investment in what they were doing just now, he wasn't necessarily sure he could be a good listener.

"Billy," Dom persisted. "Want you - when I - cum," he blurted out, squeezing his eyes shut. "Want you - more," he struggled...

"Like this?" Billy asked, as he breached him with a middle finger before he could finish.

"Oh, Jesus," Dom gasped, flustered, but pushing himself back onto Billy, enabling him to go deeper.

"Will this work then?" Billy asked, pleased, but beginning to find it harder to breathe himself.

"God," Dom moaned in response, weakened with pleasure as Billy began to stroke him internally, maddeningly slow but purposeful as he searched for his most sensitive spot.

"More?" Billy teased, continuing to probe while he worked his leg beneath Dom's and lifted carefully, his foot resting on a convenient nearby patio chair, the simple change opening him further and availing his vulnerability. "More like this?" he asked again, "or is it more than this you're wanting?"

"More everything," Dom managed, his voice ragged and close to breaking, his senses thrumming with need as Billy continued his loving assault. "More - of you," he added, before seeking Billy's lips and rocking gently in his arms, shamelessly allowing himself to be touched and probed in this quasi-private place. His skin damp from effort, muscles clenched and shaking, his cock trapped between them in a delicious friction, Dom arched his back and pushed wantonly into the penetration as Billy drew him to cum for him even here.

"That's it," Billy soothed, his voice low and sultry as he spoke in his ear, continuing to stroke the swollen node within him. "Just let it happen."

Dom was breathing much harder now as sensation began to overtake him, words failing for the moment as he worked ever harder for Billy's touch.

"Oh, God," he whispered, searching for the deepest sensations. "God, Billy," he blurted out, squeezing his eyes to capture his feelings with each persistent, gentle thrusting. "Shite," he gasped suddenly, burying his face in Billy's neck as Billy simultaneously withdrew.

"No!" Dom managed, pushing back desperately, a fistful of Billy's shirt in each hand. "No," he repeated, undone by the loss.

"Sshh," Billy whispered to calm him, "a wee bit of patience, please," he added, partially covering Dom's mouth with his other hand, "just want to enjoy you like this a bit longer."

Dom nodded through his frustration, opening his eyes to find them nearly nose to nose. Billy's eyes had darkened to a deeper shade of green, his pupils slightly dilated, his cheeks rosy from stimulation and anticipation. Dom knew this part as well - he understood how visual Billy was, how much he always needed to see him as they worked each other up sexually. Their interplay had developed into their own erotic exchange, Billy needing to see and take in exactly how he responded to everything, and Dom always willing to allow him everything.

No additional words were necessary as Billy absorbed all that he yearned to see once again. The intensity that was always there made him ache inside each time he saw it, contrasted with the irresistible softness of Dom's skin and wrapped up in the contours of his masculinity, always left him yearning to touch him more. The light spray of freckles just beneath one eye always held his attention for long moments, and from there he lowered his gaze to the full outline of his upper lip, one of the many places on his body Billy coveted as his own. Dom's tongue darted out to moisten dry lips, his eyes falling closed again in resignation as he waited for Billy to finish absorbing him, something he always insisted upon controlling at his own pace. Biting his bottom lip, Dom was struggling to hang on when he sensed Billy's cheek resting flush against his own once again, his words filling one ear, his thumb brushing lightly across his brow as he continued to hold him suspended.

"You're still so beautiful like this," Billy whispered, nuzzling his face into his neck. "And I want you," he added, fingering him in a slow and purposeful tease just before thrusting back inside of him.

Dom cried out in relief at the sudden penetration, the noise muffled by Billy's other hand moving to cover his mouth as he returned to stroking him in earnest. Dom pushed back at him eagerly, wanting now all that he knew was near. Working together Dom clung to him, moving in tandem with Billy and each silken penetration, his breathing rapid and labored, his stamina becoming threatened in several directions as he worried if he could still do any of this. He was considering a move of desperation when he sensed his own climax building at last, and he scrunched his eyes together in concentration as he worked to pull it to the top of his sensations. He was concentrating so hard to capture it he was surprised when everything accelerated dramatically in a blinding rush, cum squirting forward and bursting between them, buckling his knees and filling him at last with the love he was desperate to reclaim before he collapsed against Billy, sated and dizzy, his legs unwilling to hold him much longer.

Feeling his weakness, Billy withdrew his hand slowly, careful not to startle his overly sensitized skin as he covered him with their now loosened and astray clothing. He slid one arm around Dom's waist, the other protectively encircling his shoulders, to draw him into an embrace, supporting him with his strength, and holding him close as they both worked to catch their breath.

"There now," Billy soothed, kissing him, his voice low and steady in one ear. "Now you're all sexy and ready for me - let me," he began, his voice faltering before he paused to try again. "Let me have all of you tonight," he whispered, his voice patient but softened by desire, " 'cause I still need you so much."

Dom could say nothing more as he stood half collapsed and quivering in Billy's arms. Stripped of his composure, his heart aching and broken wide open, he struggled to find something coherent to say in the harsh reflection of long ago feelings revisited. Per usual, there was nothing forthcoming or comparative to offer verbally, so he touched his lips to Billy's neck in simple acknowledgement, knowing full well he would hold nothing back this night or any other. As soon as he could recover, they would move safely back inside, reclaiming complete privacy, and renewing himself as Billy's lover all over again.

stories, 2012

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