Slasha, Baby 2012 Begins! (signups close on the 24th, midnight PDT)

Oct 07, 2012 13:00

Sign-ups for 2012 slashababy, the LotR RPS story exchange, are now open! A chance to give and get a gift, and share with the whole fandom!

The rules are the same as previous years -- all participants get an assignment to write for another participant, matched so that everyone has pairings and themes that appeal to them. Each story should be at least 1,000 ( Read more... )


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Comments 47

escribo October 8 2012, 13:12:26 UTC
Name: escribo
Fic link: index
Email: almaviva @ gmail dot com
Requested pairings: Billy/Dom, Dom/Ian, Dom/Orlando, Orlando/Ian, Elijah/Orlando, Elijah/David
Requested genres: anything (though I'm a happy endings kinda girl so if you kill off everyone for the angst, at least give me a nice reunion scene in the afterlife :D)!
Pairings and/or genres you absolutely will not write: I'll write anyone
Willing to bebackup? maybe.


slashababy_mod October 9 2012, 03:57:46 UTC


carribbe October 8 2012, 17:15:27 UTC
Fic link - - I'm sorry guys - I'm not good at this. I couldn't figure out how else to do it, so I linked back to the first fic in my index, and I think additional stories can be seen from that point (looks at floor).
Email -
Pairing - Billy/Dom (can't get enough of them). I also like adding Ali to the mix sometimes - it can get interesting; can also be a real 'inspirational' point for Billy.
Requested genres - not interested in anything too dark, i.e. torture, assorted kinks (some get really weird.) I love hurt/comfort, but on a survivable level. I admit to a ridiculous level of squee when either B/D is overcome with jealousy. It usually sets up some sort of conflict that demands resolution.
Willing to be a back up? - No, sorry. I fear commitment to something I might not be able to finish. If things are desperate, however, I'd certainly try to help out.


slashababy_mod October 9 2012, 03:58:44 UTC
Welcome! Your index is over on the left, I'm sure people can find it there.


eyebrowofdoom October 9 2012, 00:52:38 UTC
Name: eyebrowofdoom
Fic link:
Email: eyebrowofdoom at gmail dot com
Requested pairings: Bernard/anybody, Ian/anybody, Viggo/anybody
Requested genres: (realist) romance, humour, smut
Pairings and/or genres you absolutely will not write: no Astin, no hobbit/hobbit, no Bean/Viggo. No dark themes (death, rape or strong/specialist kinks).
Willing to bebackup? nup, sorry


slashababy_mod October 9 2012, 03:59:06 UTC
Delighted to have you!


moit October 10 2012, 22:46:13 UTC
Name: moit>
<b>Fic link:</b> <lj user=

Email: moitness at gmail dot com
Requested pairings: Orlando/Elijah, Karl/Orlando, Elijah/Karl/Orlando, Billy/Orlando, Billy/Orlando/Elijah
Requested genres: fluff, domesticity, romance, smut, kink (any combination of these)
Pairings and/or genres you absolutely will not write: Sean Astin, deliberately masculinized men, bloodplay, watersports
Willing to bebackup? I just can't commit to that. :/


msilverstar October 11 2012, 06:32:41 UTC
That's great, thanks!


moit October 20 2012, 04:28:19 UTC
I totally just realised I effed up that post.

My fic journal is moit-fics, if it matters. :)


thepsychicclam October 11 2012, 21:53:10 UTC
Name: thepsychicclam
Fic link: here and here
Email: i can put it in a private comment (has my name in it)
Requested pairings: Dom/Elijah
Requested genres: fluff, pwp, au (historical or other) - I'd love to see a 1920s or 1940s au, something supernatural, but I'm open to other ideas, too! - during filming, post filming, now. You can have them get together, be established, occasionally shack up with Billy, do crazy boy things, be super sex-crazed or drunken, romantic and happy, the crazy gay uncles of Billy, Sean, and Orlando's kids. I love the idea of them being in a relationship at any time, I just prefer it not to have an angsty/unhappy ending (angst is fine as long as they get a happy ending) or to have them be too mean/emo/assholish.
Pairings and/or genres you absolutely will not write: Nothing super angsty/gory/kinky. I don't want anything with new LotR ppl or man-fic. I prefer Hobbitsnoril.
Willing to bebackup? Sure.


slashababy_mod October 12 2012, 03:25:47 UTC


thepsychicclam October 12 2012, 04:28:42 UTC
i commented and deleted with my e-mail. did that work? :/


slashababy_mod October 12 2012, 04:33:07 UTC
yep, that is fine!


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