Sign-ups are now open!

Oct 15, 2009 07:14

Sign-ups for 2009 slashababy, LotR RPS story exchange, are now open.

The rules are the same as previous years--try to fill at least parts of the request (especially pairings), and write at least 1,000 words. We want to make sure that somebody doesn't write ten pages of fic to only get a drabble in return.

  • Sign-ups start today and end on October 29
  • Assignments will be sent out by November 5
  • The deadline for submissions is December 24
  • Stories will be posted on December 31
  • Authors will be revealed on January 7

To sign up, leave a comment on this post with the following information:

Name: (LJ, IJ, etc.)
Link to your fic archive, index post or tag:
Email address:
Requested pairings:
Requested genre: (i.e. fluff/smut/angst etc. What kind of story are you looking for with the pairing?)
Pairings and/or genres you absolutely will not write:
Willing to be backup?

Note: you may request het pairings, but they may be hard to match, so indicate some slash pairings you'd like as well.

For your convenience, just copy and paste the information inside the form and leave it as a comment to this post.

Name: Fic archive: Email: Requested pairing(s): Requested genre: Pairings and/or genres you absolutely will not write: Willing to be backup?

If you have dropped out of this exchange or remix in the past, you'd better convince the mods that you really will finish this year!

Please friend this community for further updates.

If you have any questions, please ask here or send us an email at secret.slasha at

- msilverstar and feelforfaith


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