For eff_reality: We'll Always Have Paris

Dec 31, 2008 14:22

Title: We'll Always Have Paris
Recipient: eff_reality
Author: unstealthy
Pairing: Dom/Billy (and Dom/Lijah, sort of)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: AU. An old flame wanders unexpectedly back into Billy's life.
Pre-reveal Notes: The Sanctuary is a real place - I stayed there 5 years ago when I was travelling in Thailand. Since then, the tsunami happened, so I'm not sure if it's still there. We'll assume in this universe that the tsunami didn't happen, and all is as I remember it.
Post-reveal Notes: Thanks, as always, to msilverstar for the beta.

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit, non-commercial work of fiction using the names and likenesses of real individuals. This fictional story is not intended to imply that the events herein actually occurred, or that the attitudes or behaviors described are engaged in or condoned by the real persons whose names are used without permission.

It was only after a few days' inactivity, lying on the beach and reading, taking the occasional dip in the sea to cool off, that Billy started to feel thoroughly wound down and relaxed. A few mornings into his holiday, after a late, leisurely breakfast, instead of grabbing his towel and sunscreen he put on his sunglasses and a baseball cap and decided to go for a stroll along the beach.

Ko Lanta really was a beautiful place, and Billy once again thanked whichever brain cells made him plump for this part of Thailand for his much-needed holiday. The stress of work with its budgets and reports and his demanding boss; the recent troubles with his love life; all seemed particularly far away after a few days here - particularly in the absence of the Blackberry that was usually welded to his palm. The long, golden beach had only a few sunbathers on it and curved gracefully off to the south. Carrying his flip flops in one hand, Billy strolled happily along the shoreline, letting waves wash over his feet. To his left, palm trees and a succession of small resorts. To his right, the Indian Ocean (or to be more accurate, the Andaman Sea, as someone had corrected him shortly after his arrival) stretching as far as the eye could see. Wonderful.

As he walked further from the stretch of beach belonging to his hotel, the resorts backing on to the beach gradually got more basic. Most of them seemed to be pumping music on to the beach - soothing beach music, but music nonetheless and it interrupted the reverie of the wind in the palm trees and the waves on the sand. Walking further on, Billy finally found a spot where there was no music, and sat down on the warm sand. A group of young white men - tourists or backpackers, Billy presumed - was playing football a little way off, with a small crowd of Thai children spectating. The odd sunbather dotted the beach, and Billy happily watched a couple of bikini-clad lovelies as they swam and played in the waves. Presently the sun began to get too much, and Billy decided to investigate what was around him. Immediately behind him amongst the trees, not piping music on to the beach, a small resort was visible, seemingly made up of basic bamboo huts. Walking up the beach to the tree line, Billy could see what looked like a cluster of tables under a bamboo and palm awning, and so he decided to go and investigate.

It was a good decision, Billy realised almost immediately. It was cool under the awning, the wind rustling gently in the palm fronds in the roof. A couple of middle-aged white men were playing draughts while another one spectated, and a couple of young people sat chatting and drinking beer. One side of the awning was taking up with a largish wooden shed, with a sort of bar area in front of it. Voices could distinctly be heard coming from inside the shed. Billy sat down and pulled off his cap, and momentarily a beautiful young blonde woman was standing beside his table.

"How're you going?" she asked in a distinctive Australian accent.

"Great, yeah, great, thanks," Billy replied appreciatively, lifting up his sunglasses to see her properly. He looked at his watch. "I think the sun's over the yard arm. Can I get a beer?"

"Sure," the woman grinned. "Large or small?"

"I think I'd better start with a small and see how I get on," Billy beamed at her. "And a large bottle of water too, please."

"No worries, be right back."

It felt good to flirt a little. Back in the saddle, Billy thought happily to himself. At the end of the bar were some shelves of battered paperbacks and a few boardgames. Billy wandered over to check them out; it was a veritable library of holiday reading in a variety of European languages. There was a Nick Hornby that Billy hadn't read, so he pulled it off the shelf and returned to his table, where his new friend was just bringing his drinks.

"Thank you very much, er...?"


"Kayla. What do I owe you, Kayla?"

"Oh, don't worry about it, settle up later. You're not staying here, are you?"

"No, and I'm starting to regret that already," Billy grinned at her. "I'm Billy, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Billy. Cute accent, where're you from?"

"Glasgow. In Scotland."

"Cool. Listen, if you want anything else, give me a shout, 'kay?"

"Will do, thanks. My own personal waitress, fabulous."

The beer was cool going down his throat, and Billy settled down to his book, feeling utterly content. Presently there were raised, voices from the hut, raucous laughter and an American voice shouting "No fucking way, dude!" A young man emerged from the doorway, still laughing, carrying two plates of food and Billy watched as he carried them over to the two young beer-drinking people. It had been a long time since Billy'd looked appreciatively at a man, but he couldn't help himself with this one; the open, happy face, astonishing blue eyes and short dark hair just begging for fingers to be run through it. Billy took a couple of swigs of water and fixed his eyes on his book, until his attention was once again distracted by a commotion in the hut and someone else emerged laughing.

Billy felt like he'd been punched in the gut. "My god," he whispered.

Dom. It was fucking Dom.

Billy's whole body was frozen in place, confusion and shock rendering him unable to move as he tried to process what was in front of his eyes. Then Dom caught sight of him and Billy could tell that he was going through the same shock and disbelief, causing a physical response. Afraid of what his eyes might be giving away, Billy shoved his sunglasses on and looked studiously at his book. Moments later he was unable to avoid looking up as Dom was standing right beside him.

"Of all the gin joints in all the towns..." Dom said

"I had to walk into this one, yes, amazing," Billy finished, hoping he sounded calm, because his stomach was roiling. He pulled his sunglasses off again as Dom slid into the seat opposite.

"So, er..." Billy waved his hand around. "I'm on holiday. What's your excuse?"

"I work here?" Dom offered.

"Since when? You've surely not spent the whole of the time since I last heard from you on a beach in Thailand?"

"No, unfortunately," Dom said, with a disarming grin. "I was travelling for a while, met Elijah, and we ended up here about, oh... a year and a half ago. Started off just waiting tables, doing casual work and ended up sorting out their accounts."

Billy raised his eyebrows. "You? I thought that's why you left, because you decided that a business degree was selling out."

Dom shrugged. "Yeah, well, it came in useful after all." He looked up and smiled as the young man with the extraordinary eyes walked over and stood beside him. "Billy, this is Elijah. Elijah, Billy."

"Hi," Billy says, finding he was feeling vaguely perturbed by the presence of this beautiful creature.

"Do you two know each other or something?" Elijah asked

"We were at university together, about five years ago," Dom said. Billy's perturbation increased upon the realisation that his significance in Dom's life hadn't been great enough for him to have mentioned the fact of his, Billy's, existence. The fact that they'd basically been everything to each other for the best part of two years... Dom seemed to have blanked that out. Billy was just starting to arrange his face into a scowl when Kayla appeared at their table.

"Hey, Billy, get you another beer?"

Billy smiled his gratitude at her. "Cheers, that'd be great. Make it a large one this time, yeah?"

"I think you've pulled, Bill," Dom said when she was out of earshot. Elijah let out a high-pitched sound that could only be described as a giggle, and Billy felt mild irritation. "Lij, would you mind fetching me a cup of tea? I kind of want to catch up with Bill."

I could almost have been classified as a dismissal, but Elijah at least didn't seem to take it that way. "Sure," he said, and was gone.

"So." Dom said, finally looking Billy in the eye. He took hold of Billy's empty bottle of Chang and started picking at the label.


Suddenly Billy didn't care, didn't want to know how Dom had ended up here, or what he'd been doing for the last five years. He was here, sitting opposite Dom, and that was all that mattered.

"You with anyone at the moment?" Dom asked eventually.

Billy laughed. "Talk about getting to the point."

"It's all I can think to ask you." Dom looked miserable, and Billy realised that his unexpected arrival really had thrown Dom for a loop.

"No," he said softly. "At least, I was. It was serious, I was going to ask her to marry me. But then she goes on a business trip and meets somebody, said she'd 'always wonder what could have been' if she didn't give it a go. So that was that."

"Fuck. I'm sorry."

Now it was Billy's turn to shrug. "Hey, I probably wouldn't have been here otherwise."

"In that case, lunch is on me," Dom said, visibly brightening. "I recommend the Massaman curry. And I'm sure there's a guitar around here somewhere." He twisted in his seat. "Kayla, where's that guitar that Roberto was playing the other night?"

It was the perfect afternoon. Sun, beer, a guitar to pick at (albeit a slightly battered one that Billy had to spend some time coaxing into tune), good food and people to talk to. Later on Dom gave Billy a guided tour of the bamboo huts (which he referred to as 'bungalows') that constituted the resort, and discovered it was called the Sanctuary. He chatted with Dom and Elijah on and off, and Kayla too. He played and sang 'Hit Me Baby One More Time', which went down a treat with the other people in the bar, then followed it up with 'Layla', changing it to 'Kayla', which went down a treat with the woman in question. More beers and more food, and at the end of the evening Kayla took him back to her bungalow and they had fun, vigorous sex. Billy got back to his hotel at around 2 am, wondering at how things can change so quickly and feeling that this holiday was going to turn out to be rather excellent.

Having had beers and sex and stayed up 'til the small hours, Billy woke late and lazed in bed, listening to the sea and wanking to his memories of Kayla from the night before. For some reason Dom's face kept intruding into his fantasies, which while it didn't put him off, was slightly disturbing. He was supposed to be over Dom, had just had fabulous sex with a gorgeous young woman. Tsk. He ate a large breakfast and then had a long Thai massage in the hotel spa. A swim and a nap followed, before Billy could ignore his craving no longer and set off along the beach.

It was mid afternoon by the time he arrived at the Sanctuary, where things were fairly quiet. There was more or less the same smattering of people at the tables as yesterday, plus Dom, who was sitting with a laptop and paperwork.

"Hiya," he beamed, as Billy approached. "How are you?"

"Great," Billy said happily, stretching. "I had a Thai massage from this tiny wee girl, she was a strong as a horse. Feel like I've been put through a mangle." He sat down opposite Dom.

"Yeah, sounds about normal," Dom grinned. Kayla was approaching with a mug which she put on the table beside Dom.

"Afternoon," Billy said, with his best smile.

"Hey," she grinned back.

"Ooh, is that tea?" he asked, peering at the contents of the mug.

"Yeah, proper tea, real milk and everything, not like you usually get in these parts," Dom said. "Want one?"

"Fantastic," Billy said. "Milk, no sugar, thanks."

"I'll be right back," Kayla said, and disappeared again.

"You guys have fun last night?" Dom asked, cheekily.

"Fabulous tits," Billy murmured, leaning forward conspiratorially. "And she goes like a train."

"So I've heard," Dom said.

"You've what...?" Billy said, taken aback, but he was stopped in his tracks by Kayla's reappearance with another mug of tea. He decided to change the subject, realising he was being ungentlemanly. "So where's Elijah today?"

Dom stretched and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. "He got a call last night, his Mum's had to go in for surgery, so I took him to Krabi first thing to catch a flight home. He's probably flying out of Bangkok as we speak."

Dom's alone.

"Oh god, I'm sorry to hear that," Billy said, hoping he sounded genuine.

"I think it'll be fine, it's nothing life-threatening," Dom shrugged. "Lij said he wanted to be there for his mum, but really it's just an excuse to see this girl he always hooks up with whenever he's in LA."

Dom's alone, and his partner's with someone else.

"And you're okay with that?" Billy said.

Dom shrugged again. "Seeing other people is something we both occasionally indulge in, but don't discuss," he said casually.

"Oh." This sounded like an odd arrangement to Billy. "And you don't get, like, jealous or anything?"

"Like I said, we don't discuss it. And it's not like we're shagging anything that moves, it's just every now and again. At least..." he smiled, " is with me. I just have to trust the same goes for him."

"Oh. Right." Billy frowned and stared at his tea, his heart racing. A plethora of possibilities flooded his brain, until his frantic thoughts were interrupted by the tap-tap of the laptop keyboard. "What are you up to?" he asked, trying to get his mind back to reality.

"Rotas, schedules, finances, you name it, I'm all about the admin these days," Dom said. He looked up from the screen. "I've got to get on with this right now, but you'll stay for dinner, yeah?"

Billy met Dom's gaze, and something passed between them. "Of course. But as you're being so boring just now, you won't mind if I abandon you to your accounts and go to the beach?"

"Be my guest," Dom said with a sweep of his arm in the general direction of the sea.

Billy stood up and shamelessly and calculatedly whipped off his t-shirt, dropping it in a heap on the seat. He was in good shape, thanks to the in-house gym at work, and as he hoped, Dom's eyes darted over his body. "Back in a wee while," he announced with a shit-eating grin, and headed for the beach.

By the time Billy got back from his (extremely pleasurable) swim, there were a few more people gathered in the Sanctuary's bar and Dom was no longer working at his laptop but standing talking to the group of older men that seemed to be permanently situated at one particular table. As soon as he caught sight of Billy he left the group came over.

"Good swim?" His eyes raked over Billy's body again and Billy felt the same frisson he'd felt earlier.

"Fantastic, yeah. The water's so clear and warm, it's amazing." Billy noticed Dom's gaze flick to his hairline, which wasn't assisted in any way by his hair being wet. He felt self-conscious and suddenly old, and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Can I get you a beer?" Dom said.

"Yeah, thanks, but water first." Billy's torso was more or less dry by now, and he found his t-shirt which had been carefully laid out over the back of the bench where he'd been sitting earlier, and smiled to himself.

Over dinner - an excellent green curry with beef - Billy got talking to a youngish Brit couple who were staying at the Sanctuary, backpacking their way around south-east Asia. He bought them beers and they told him endless fascinating stories about their adventures. It made him feel like his decision to settle down after uni when Dom took off may have been rather hasty, particularly given the heartbreak it caused him. At the time he'd told himself he was being Sensible, he was Older, After All, and so was Doing the Right Thing, while Dom was being foolish and not thinking about his future and all those sorts of things. As Billy slowly got a little drunk, he looked at the group of older men and thought that this possibly wasn't such a bad life, and then remembered his responsibilities, his job and his mortgage, and felt slightly depressed. He stayed talking with the couple until they said goodnight, and he became aware that most of the other punters in the bar had dispersed, and even Kayla was nowhere to be seen. Probably off with a younger, fitter model, Billy thought glumly.

Then Dom appeared at the table with a half-full bottle of whisky. "I've got glasses back at my place," he said.

"Don't you have to work?" Billy frowned at him.

"The guys will lock up," Dom said, referring to the Thai people that Billy had discovered did a lot of the behind-the-scenes work. "Come on." He turned and headed off, leaving Billy listening to chirping insects.

Billy followed him out of the bar and amongst the trees to the bungalow he shared with Elijah. Dom had shown it to him during the guided tour the day before, but only from the outside. Now he bounded up the steps, kicked off his flip-flops on the porch and unlocked and held the door open for Billy. Billy left his own flip-flops beside Dom's and entered.

It was more-or-less tidy inside, with a bed covered by a mosquito net, a chest of drawers, two bamboo easy chairs and a door that Billy assumed led to the bathroom. "Home sweet home," Dom said, switching on the fan. He turned over two glasses on the top of the chest of drawers. "I assume you want a drink?"

"Yeah, I'll put up with your crap whisky if I have to," Billy said with a grin.

"But you get my scintillating company, which makes up for the low quality of the booze," Dom answered, handing Billy a glass and dropping into a chair. "Have a seat."

Billy accepted the glass and the seat. "So are you here for good?" he asked, his thoughts still on life and the future generally.

"Nah, can't see it," Dom said. "Lij likes his home comforts too much. And trying to run a business with all the Thai bureaucracy is a bitch. The paperwork would kill me if I didn't have a Thai person to wade through it all for me."

Billy smiled. "So how long d'you give it?"

"I dunno. Maybe another year? We'll probably end up back in the States after that."

Billy found his heart sank at that. Why, he had no idea. He had no rights or claims to this man, Dom wasn't ever going to be part of his life. This was just an interlude. But still.

"He won't be able to see that girl so much if you're around to keep an eye on him," Billy said.

"Ha, I wouldn't bet on it, he's been known to fuck people practically under my nose," Dom said. Was that hurt in his voice? "He's had Kayla, I know that."

"Ah, so that's why you said yesterday..."

"Yeah." Dom stared into his glass, and Billy realised he'd been drinking too. Dom looked up at him and grinned conspiratorially. "How did you have her? From behind?"

The alcohol had loosened Billy's tongue. And possibly Dom was using some sort of witchcraft on him. "Yeah," he said, feeling pleased with himself.

"I knew it!" Dom said gleefully. "Was that all?" He topped up Billy's glass and his own.

"And she was on top, too."

"Ha!" Dom suddenly lowered his voice and leaned forward. "What was it like, Bill, being inside her? How did it feel?"

"What the fuck?" Billy said, taken aback. "You want to know, you fuck her!"

Dom put his hand on Billy's leg. "It's not her I want to fuck."

"Jesus Christ, Dom!" Billy said, standing up and slamming his glass down. He couldn't handle this, and started for the door but was stopped by Dom grabbing his arm.

"Bill, please, I'm sorry, come back and sit down..."

Billy turned and looked at Dom, feeling his heart banging against his ribs. Dom had his pleading face on, and they stared at each other for a moment.

Then they crashed against each other, chest to chest, and Dom's tongue was in Billy's mouth and any shred of ability Billy had to deal rationally with this situation fled from his brain. They stumbled to the bed, Dom yanking aside the mosquito net, and Billy pushed him down on the mattress and landed heavily on top of him. They were grunting and panting and their teeth banged together as they writhed and clumsily attempted to kiss. Billy rolled off Dom, tugging off his t-shirt and pushing down his swimming shorts, kicking them away, only to get his feet tangled in the mosquito net. "Fuck!"

By the time Billy freed himself, Dom was also naked and laughing at him. "Gonna shut you up," Billy said, mock threateningly, then rolled on top of Dom. He groaned as his cock was pressed between their bodies and immediately started to grind against Dom, who cradled Billy's hips between his thighs and pushed back. Panting and gasping they strained towards orgasm, fingers woven together and pressed into the mattress either side of Dom's head. Dom's forehead creased up, his mouth dropped open in an O of pleasure, and he jerked against Billy, who could feel the warm wetness of Dom's semen on his belly. "God," Billy muttered. "God, Jesus, fuck!" and then he tumbled into the void himself, gripping Dom's hands as if his life depended on it.

They lay side by side, panting.

"That was a bad idea," Billy said breathlessly.

"Terrible, yes," Dom agreed.

A short silence.

"You left me," Billy said finally.

Dom threw an arm over his face. "I know. I was a twat."

"I'm leaving."

"When?" Dom propped himself up on one elbow and looked at Billy. Strands of hair were stuck to his forehead with sweat, and Billy brushed them aside with a finger.

"Day after tomorrow. First thing. Back to Bangkok for a couple of days, then home." His breath caught as Dom ran a palm over his chest and let it rest on his belly. Billy laced his fingers with Dom's.

"But you're around tomorrow, yeah?"

"In the evening. Got a snorkelling trip booked tomorrow." He lifted Dom's hand to his lips and kissed his knuckles. "I could cancel."

"Don't, you'll regret it. Seriously, the reefs are amazing."

"'Kay. But you'd better be here in the evening."

"Where else would I be? I live here, remember?"

Despite the fact that he had to drag himself out of bed at the crack of dawn, Billy did enjoy his excursion as Dom had predicted. Lunch was laid on, there was a friendly bunch of people on the trip, and the coral reefs and the fish were indeed amazing. He got back to his hotel late afternoon, and had a nap before taking a shower and putting on his last clean shirt.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Billy applied cologne, ensured enough shirt buttons were undone to expose a tantalising amount of chest hair, and stuck a couple of condoms in his trouser pocket. He felt invigorated. "You shall go to the ball," he told his reflection, and then laughed at himself. "You idiot."

Dom was as attentive to Billy as he could be, given that he was working. Billy felt a warm glow all evening; he flirted with Kayla, chatted with the couple he'd met the night before along with some others, and generally had a sense of belonging. The kind of feeling that could make you chuck in everything and move to Thailand.

Billy was picking at the battered guitar and there were still a few people scattered around when Dom said to him, "I'll be done in 10 minutes. It's time Roberto had a shot at being in charge anyhow." A spark of excitement flared in Billy's guts, and it was less than 10 minutes before he found himself walking the same walk as the night before, but this time excited, full of anticipation.

"So, d'you want a drink?" Dom asked when the door was shut behind them. He put the air conditioning on.

"Forget the drink," Billy murmured, and tugged Dom close. "Takes up valuable shagging time."

"Good point," Dom said, and kissed Billy.

Determined to make the most of what little time they had, Billy reined in his instinctive desire to just push Dom on to the bed. Instead, he kissed him long and slow, exploring Dom's mouth, twining his fingers in Dom's hair, trying to seal in his memory how this felt. Dom pressed his hips against Billy's, and Billy could feel the movement in Dom's shorts as his cock hardened. His own cock perked up in response, and he hummed with satisfaction into the kiss.

Finally they came up for air, and Dom pressed his face into Billy's neck, inhaling deeply and sliding a hand under Billy's shirt, over his collarbone. "Sorry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry I left you."

"Shh," Billy said, kissing Dom's head. "It was years ago." Dom's hand unbuttoned Billy's shirt as he kissed Billy's neck, pushing the shirt off his shoulders and kissing the now-exposed skin and running his hands over Billy's chest. Then they were kissing again, pausing only to tug off Dom's t-shirt so they were skin to skin, the kiss deeper and more urgent now.

"Let me look at you," Dom murmured, undoing the fly of Billy's trousers. Billy willingly pushed them and his boxers down, kicking them aside and standing proudly as Dom's eyes raked over his body. Then, to Billy's surprise, Dom fell to his knees and took Billy's penis in his mouth, swallowing it deep into his throat.

"Oh Christ," Billy groaned, tangling his fingers in Dom's hair. He'd forgotten just how good Dom was at this, licking and sucking, rolling Billy's balls in the palm of his hand and pressing on his perineum. Heat radiated out from Billy's groin to his fingers and toes, making his knees tremble and his chest heave. "Don't stop!" he cried, as Dom let his cock slip from his mouth.

"Fuck me," Dom said, looking up at Billy.

How could he refuse? Billy fished in his trousers for the condom as Dom shed his shorts and fetched lube from the bedside table. They climbed on the bed and Dom tugged the mosquito net into place, tenting them in their own world. Then they were kissing again, falling, facing each other and Dom's leg hooked over Billy's hip. He pressed the lube into Billy's hand. "Can you remember how to do this?" he grinned.

"Hmm, let me see..." Billy said thoughtfully. He squeezed some lube on to his fingers. "As I recall, this goes... here, am I right?" As he said 'here', he gently pressed his forefinger into Dom's anus.

"Yeah, bang on," Dom said a little breathlessly, and then gasped as Billy crooked his finger and pressed Dom's prostate.

"Like riding a bicycle," Billy said breezily, and carefully pushed in a second finger.

"Like no bike ride I've ever been on!" Dom gasped, making Billy laugh.

He slowly fucked Dom with his fingers, watching Dom's expression as he blissed out. "Ready for more?"

"Mmyeah," Dom said, eyes closed. His hand gripped Billy's bicep hard as Billy bunched three fingers together and inserted them into Dom's body. "Where's the condom?" Dom murmured.

"Behind me I think, but I'm a bit tied up."

Dom propped himself awkwardly on an elbow and reached over Billy to where he thought he'd dropped the condom packet. "Got it!" Dom said. "But you'll have to move your arm."

Billy withdrew his hand as Dom ripped open the packet. Dom carefully smoothed the condom on to Billy, and then squeezed out some lube and coated Billy's cock with it. "You could just do that all night," Billy suggested.

"No way," Dom said, snagging a pillow and rolling on to his back with it under his hips. "I'm ready and waiting here."

Dom was quite a sight, on his back with his knees pulled up and out, completely exposed to Billy. Billy had to look and touch for a moment, running his hands over Dom's inner thighs, his cock and balls, and working more lube into his hole. Finally he positioned himself and slowly pushed his cock into Dom, making Dom hiss as the outer ring of muscle gave way and the head of Billy's cock disappeared into Dom's body.

"Okay?" Billy asked.

"Yeah, keep going," Dom muttered, tugging on his slightly flagging erection.

Mustering all the self-control he could, Billy slowly pushed deeper into the tight, wonderful heat. It'd been a long time since he'd had anal sex; his ex hadn't been interested and he wasn't about to go looking for it elsewhere. It felt fucking amazing.

At last he was balls-deep inside Dom, and dropped down on to his elbows. "Y'okay if I move?" he murmured, and Dom nodded his consent. Slowly, luxuriously, Billy withdrew and pushed in again, Dom's internal muscles gripping his cock hard. Dom was fisting his own cock, and Billy felt elated as he started gently, rhythmically thrusting, watching Dom's face slowly break into a grin.

"What's... funny?" he managed to say.

"You, I'd forgotten about the look of concentration you get on your face when you're trying to be all self-controlled," Dom laughed.

Billy couldn't help grinning back, happiness and physical pleasure combined. "Gonna wipe that smug look off your face in a sec," he said breathlessly, and shifted a little to try and put more pressure on Dom's sweet spot. Luckily it seemed to work, as the next time Billy thrust Dom cried out, "Fuck, right there!"

They fell into a silent rhythm of push and thrust, the only sounds the slap of skin on skin, the rattle of the bed frame and the little gasps and moans each of them made. Billy let his eyes close, fire pooling in his belly and spreading out to his head and limbs, tightening his chest. He became aware of Dom's noises becoming more frantic, and opened his eyes again. "Gonna come," Dom muttered, palming his cock hard and fast.

"Yeah, wanna see you," Billy said, even as Dom's body tensed and he shuddered, shouting Billy's name and gripping Billy's arm hard with his free hand. Billy felt him clench around his cock and thrust hard and fast, suddenly not wanting Dom to be in the abyss alone. He was rewarded with an orgasm that shook him to the core, blanking out even the tiny tented world and making him forget who or where he was.

He came to in a heap on top of Dom, with Dom's arms around him, and carefully pulled out, rolling on to his back. Neither of them said anything. Eventually, Billy tugged off the condom and knotted it, pulling back the mosquito net so he could drop it on the floor beside the bed. He felt boneless, and fell on to his back again.

"I want to be with you, but I can't," he said, looking at where the net hung from the ceiling. "Do you love him?"

"More than anything," Dom said quietly. "And he loves me."

"Yeah, right."

"No, he does," Dom said, turning to look at Billy. "Our problem isn't that, it's more about a lack of honesty."

"I'm glad you've found what you want," Billy said, realising he meant it. "Maybe I should try it. Living here. Or somewhere else."

"You've got what you wanted at home," Dom reminded him. "Security, a future. Don't throw that away."

"You're right," Billy admitted, "I'd regret it if I did. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow..."

"But soon, and for the rest of your life," Dom joined in, and they both laughed. Billy sat up.

"I should go. Got an early flight." The tightness in his chest had returned. "Don't want to drag this out." He got out of bed and found his clothes, suddenly wanting to be gone, to not have to go through the process of walking away.

"Your turn to leave this time."

"Yeah." Billy did up a cursory couple of buttons on his shirt.

"Keep in touch?"

"Maybe." Billy knew he wouldn't. Dom got out of bed. "Thanks for a brilliant time. Really," Billy said. "I'm over my ex, even if you've caused me a whole new set of problems." He smiled ruefully. "And at least now I know what happened to you."

Dom pulled him into a tight hug. "Safe journey back. Be happy, mate, you deserve it."

Billy swallowed hard, extracted himself from the hug, and turned.

"We'll always have Paris," Dom said as Billy opened the door.

"We never went to Paris."

"I know, it just sounded good."

Billy pulled the door shut behind him and jumped down the steps, grinning.


stories 2008

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